Tucker, honey, do you have any idea how much white Americans shit and pee in public? Cause it’s a lot. Especially when drunk.
Just to head this off at the pass; no, it’s still racist if you’re going to come into the comments to say something along the lines of “You know I normally wouldn’t say this, but the Roma really are [insert X stereotype here], and I know that because of [insert Y story about a trip to Europe]”
WTF is wrong with Iowa?
In happy Ariana news, she is about to become the first honorary citizen of Manchester for her fundraising and emotional support to victims and families after the attack. (So fuck off, Caicedo Lopez)
The general public’s cognitive dissonance over the NRA is staggering. The fact that not only was there no meaningful discussion or reform after 20 children were shot to actual pieces means nothing will change in our lifetime.
Good now we can focus on my traffic straddling beer garden.
Isn’t that kind of sad that he felt he had to dump a white woman because his own people would shit on his image? I’m actually really intrigued by the Tupac letters because he really was a brilliant mind and didn’t get enough credit for it at the time.
How does that old saying go again?: “The “dead-eyed sociopath” doesn’t fall far from the “dead-eyed sociopath” ..tree?”
Look I’m as amused by Donald teaching the fluke monster from the X-Files how to act like a person by forcing him/it to watch Wall Street and American Pyscho on a loop as anyone but do we have to keep pretending its a person?
“I think most Americans are done taking seriously Republican complaints of how mean the Democrats are to them.”
It’s so cute when Donald’s spawn (which is basically anyone in the GOP leadership at this point) call Democrats immoral or suggest tat the Democratic party is imploding, and especially when they run to Sean Hannity to feel better. I think most Americans are done taking seriously Republican complaints of how mean the…
Dehumanization is, well, not a joke. This sort of stuff plays in with the increasing radicalization, including violent radicalization (different stages) of the far-right. Sending rhetoric signals like this promote dehumanization which is already exceedingly common on the far-right. This isn’t harmless. He’s sending a…
And Jeff Sessions wants to gut any funding or investigations into these types of groups, depsite the KNOWN STATISTICAL EVIDENCE that since 9/11 the vast majority of deaths/injuries to American Citizens due to ‘terrorism’ is from these groups and NOT Muslim Terrorists.
I wonder if I travelled to the south, walked up to a confederate monument, hitched down my pants, squatted, and took a dump on the plinth, would I spend all night in a jail cell?
Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?
Richard Spencer, a suit-wearing human pustule, will have to find a new place to crank out reps after his Virginia…