
I’m not sure if you can grab the ABC 7 live feed, but that’s the one I was watching... They had a much more zoomed-in camera on dude getting shot before cutting their feed. But the guy definitely took a gun out the bag and appeared to shoot at the cop that shot back at him.

Since a lot of NYC teachers wore t-shirts to support the NYPD after the NYPD killed Eric Garner, I’ll be money that, if there was an inside informant, it was a teacher.

100% positive that they got a tip from a racist informant.

Talk about depressing, maddening irony: we want federal money to help avoid using federal money to support something that we morally object to, even though said organization suppors essential health needs.

YOU MUST BE FUCKING KIDDING ME... They want to be paid for defunding an organization that helps women, in a state with a very bad record of doing so, in a country with increasingly scandalous levels of maternal mortality. We really need the pitchforks and fucking torches, bitches.

Misogynist, racist, orange shit-person running for President attracts misogynist, racist, red shit-person as a supporter? Color me amazed. Oh, and he’s also accusing the media of framing him? How original.

It’s so fucking hard not to actually hate all the libertarian bros and broettes who said Trump wouldn’t give a shit about marijuana and the war on drugs.

Great way to kill post-graduation donations from an entire class!

DeVos would later ask during her speech, “Have you ever heard of multi level marketing?”

Congratulations, grads. You managed to take one of the more boring experiences of life (sitting and listening to people dispense mindless platitudes about life) and turn it into an exciting event filled with drama and tension. And you got to make Betsy DeVos appear deeply uncomfortable. You kids are awesome, and

Self hating, closeted, “good Christian Man”. Rentboy stories to follow in a few months.

As an Asian, I have to say...

Now playing

It’s amazing how many people in this country have never actually explored any of it outside their own little worlds or studied the many different regions found in one place. If you owned land in Texas or Arkansas and had a feral pig problem, you would need something a little more than a little .22 to take a hoard like

You have to admit, shit like this is why The Challenge is occasionally really fun to watch.

You have to be a special kind of asshole to refuse funeral services to someone. I have heard of churches doing this, too. This person’s loved ones are experiencing soul-crushing grief. You don’t have to be the humanitarian of the year to show some compassion.

Good news is Edd seems to be doing okay in his new life.

Oooo! I’ll bet his widdle wrist stings so BAD! That’ll learn him for getting caught murdering a black kid!

the cops? very likely.

I am pretty sure that guy standing next to her has killed someone. He creeps me way the fuck out.