
we get it, you're very cool

You’re over-thinking it. Don’t have kids. Don’t go on a cruise.

This seems like the perfect response. Fair, measured, sympathetic, relatable and common sense.

“If you want to, for your own-self-empowerment, take personal responsibility because you feel like you need to for something you did, that is one thing,” she adds. “But you don’t get to make that statement for everybody else.”

loading it up like the fattest, whitest, christian woman at a starbucks greedily eyeing the caramel bottles, it’s pathetic and shameful.

This is an argument against Chipotle, not against the above Chipotle ordering method. It is also very nonsensical.

I feel like everyone saying “Chipotle sucks” lives in California or something. Not all of us have mission burritos, you assholes.

My sons will leave this house knowing how to do their damn laundry & make a few basic recipes. Minimum.

I wish I could give you a giant, huge hug. I am so very sorry for your loss. There’s nothing “normal” about losing a spouse at that age. I imagine some days just getting out of bed is an achievement. Be kind to yourself, you’re doing the best that you can.

I truly believe that Home Ec needs to be a mandatory, six-eight semester course in high school. A totally revamped home ec, with budgets, bills, nutrition, cleaning, how to find / get documents you will need through you life, etc. People are expected to just know things, but if you’re never taught, how would you? I

So this hit pretty close to home for me. Two years ago, less than two months after we got engaged, my wife was diagnosed with Stage IV kidney cancer at the age of 26. We married that December and tried to live our lives as normally as we could - we adopted a puppy, she tried to continue working. I was lucky enough to

True, I guess “balance a checkbook” should really be “plan a basic budget.”

Who still balances their checkbook, grandma/pa? (Budgeting is a different story)

Balance a checkbook? On account of all those checks I’m writing as a 31 year old?

There should be like shelters for people like your stepdad and brother. Like if your mom died, DFS would come and take them to a camp where they can be taught about nutrition, cooking, how to do laundry, etc. Once they’re capable of caring for themselves, they get released back into the wild.

Oh my god. OH MY GOD. How are you having to do manual labor with THIRD DEGREE BURNS ON YOUR HANDS? Like, seriously: what is wrong with this person. This makes me mad on your behalf.

Last time I was seeing a guy, one night I asked him to help me make the bed before we went to bed. I handed him one of the corners of the fitted sheet, and he was like, “I don’t know what to do with this.” He genuinely had no idea how to put a fitted sheet on the bed. He’s in his mid/late 20s. And he thinks he’s a

YES! Mandatory home ec AND shop.

As long as Google exists, nobody has an excuse for not being able to do a normal household task. I’m sure I can search for “how to sweep the floor” and get like a million results.

jfc how do these ADULTS no wither and die before marriage? I mean, there must be some period when they are living alone or away from home. Doesn’t know how to pay a credit card bill? It’s not rocket science. You can put together a fucking sound system without the instructions but you can’t call your goddamn credit