
Wow thats terrible. Sorry to hear that.

Being at home sucks. Why are all you people such homebodies? You’re going to spend your 60s and 70s sitting around at home, why waste what little life we are given trying to minimize any activities that take us mildly out of our comfort zones? Why go on a nature walk or out to the big city when you can just pop a pill

... New Jersey, I'm guessing?

The thing about not wanting to hear about how much other peooke’s hometown theaters suck sounds like youve watched your share of Half in the Bag... Those guys need to just go to morning showings if they dont want drunk Milwaulkians with the flu eating 6 bags of chips whilst passing gas... Do they have assigned seating

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Movies are now even more cheap and disposable and easy to just switch off after 20 minutes if youre bored, which means a lotta youngins are gonna miss out on some great slow paced work of the past. You may not give a ahit about that, but there are plenty who do. Not to mention how the netflix movie brand is full of

Get rid of a couple family members, problem solved.

You sound lazy and cheap.

WWhy the fuck are you watching Roma with your family, you fucking psycho?!

What exactly is interesting about Roma?

If someone disagrees with you, theyre mad? 

What are you babbling about?

Or more likely they think people like you are full of shit.

Boy you people sure work hard to keep your delusional fantasy going.

You couldve just as easily stated, “so you believe the filmmakers over the family members?” Because skin color has nothing to do with honesty, but you’re you.

Or maybe youre wrong?... Ever consider that for half a second? 

WWhy did you copy and paste? 

As a Michael Keaton fan I can assure you that Birdman amd Spotlight will have staying power for some.

El Pollo Loco for Mexican-American Relations.

Man I just assumed it was the film itself and not sour grapes. Just goes to show what kind of reputation Spike has these days...