
As a Michael Keaton fan I can assure you that Birdman amd Spotlight will have staying power for some.

El Pollo Loco for Mexican-American Relations.

Man I just assumed it was the film itself and not sour grapes. Just goes to show what kind of reputation Spike has these days... 

But but if we didn’t have that we probably wouldn’t be living in a world where the Godfather and Goodfellas exist, so I think it’s worth it

Fans of a certain film that took 12 years to make, methinks....

... It was good?

Roma did win in the foreign language category. Dont know why it was double nominated though...

Wait so now youre a ruskie if you think Hollywood is full of shit?

Shit, who pissed in YOUR soup today.

I think you mean "Crash over... Well every other movie from 2005."

They need to cut it down to 6 and end this nonsense. Who woulda thought the Miramax oscar era would look legit in comparison.

EEhehes got a True Detective showcase going on. Im sure hes not losing any sleep over having two supporting actor Oscar's instead of one lead.

Male, female, who gives a shit. That would look ridiculous on a woman as well.

,,, are you sure you replied to the right comment? Or is this like one of those generic auto-fill texts for when you’re on the other phone line?

Why not. They let Michael Eisner wing it for the last decade of his tenure. Without Marvel and the Gift from God that was Pixar, they’d be back to relying on their theme park revenue to carry their movie studio, which has always been “Two accidental blockbuster smashes followed by three expensive bombs” until The

Wow youre insane if you think the Av Club is right wing.

Thats all Australian Actors not named Russell Crowe.

Eating 6 containers of yogurt while watching Avatar sounds lime the successor to 2 Girls 1 Cup.

Especially if Kathy Bates was leading the orgy.... 

But what if Daddy didnt become an asshole until AFTER he stopped drinking?