
So, this is what the GERMANS want us to think, huh?

Hans Zimmer could get catty a out half the directors in Hollywood. 

Terrence Who? Oh, you mean the guy who made two movies in 25 years and then what out The Thin Red Line (eh, I like the Thin Red Line, who am I kidding)?

Sounds like lyrics to a YES song...

The Treasure of the Man Who Knew Too Much.... Kind of a mouthful...

Thats what they said about Beethoven and Mozart when they were inevitably compared to whoever were considered the pinnacle of the art form back then.

And that is still correct 7 years later.

So the kids might as well go by a pack of cowboy killers and “smoke ‘em up Johnny” like in the Breakfast Club? Caramel colored teeth and the raspy voice reminiscent of Jack Palance just a few years down the road?

“Oh here it is, SAMSONITE, I was WAY off..."

Tagalongs stored in the freezer or GTFO

So now girl is a bad word too? So you'd consider a 12 year old a man or A woman?

Give it a rest. You sound insane.

Does this make South Park the televison show equivalent of Ben Richards in the Running Man?

Lets say youre 100% correct, that still leaves you as a complete fucking tool who overcompensates for their assholery with progressive political beliefs.

Are you serious?

Cant we just divide them into “Cookie-Shilling Scouts” and “Antiquitated Merit Badges & Lame Camping-Trips Scouts”?

Uh, no?

Canadian Zombies ask before they bite you. 

Never trust a show that kills characters for the sake of the actors’ contracts. 

You’re basically describing The Stand.