We need a specific font for irony, sarcasm, facetiousness, etc....
We need a specific font for irony, sarcasm, facetiousness, etc....
(Checks comment history)
That spooky little fortune telling machine..... Brrrrrrr
But the kids wont watch black and white! Derp.
In the past 50 yeara how many tv shows amd movies have ripped that epiaode off, 20% of all character driven science fiction maybe?
Just rewatched it two weeks ago. Still creepy as hell. John Carradine kills it.
Which one was that?
Funny how the famous ones are some of the least interesting these days since everyone knows the twist. I waited 10 yeara to watch Time Enough at Last amd The After Hours since the 83 movie spoiled the twists for me as a kid.
Eh, half the appeal of the original showbthese days is the moody 1961 cinematography and general aesthetic. And I say that as someone who rates it as his favorite show. Movie is decent, B-. 80s revival was interesting but it tended to be a bit more EC Comics/Amazing Stories than Serling-esque. Im afraid this is gonna…
But the music really is great. More importantly, those songs had cultural penetration that my generation could only dream about. Music defined their generation, and social media defines ours. Thats why we're fucked.
But it just sounds so agonizingly boring...
I wondee if King goes to bed at dusk because Just After Sunset was mostly a snooze.
They also dont understand what the big deal was when Walter Sobchak pulled his piece on Smokey for his foot crossing over the line when he rolled. It was a LEAGUE GAME, after all.
Fair enough. Though How reading a book will help me better understand internet sarcasm Ill never know. Is there Satire For Dummies I can pick up for my kindle?
One more thing to add: I do admit I was enjoying the movie up to the point where Sully was introduced to the tribe. Thats when interest had peaked and began a slow descent, if that helps.
Hey man, you liked it, I didn't. You said you didnt inderstamd the hate, and I voiced my honest opinion, based on my general indifference to battle scenes comprised mostly of CGI.
Are you seriously doing this? The only way to defend your stance on a movie is to impugn my character? Calm down, its just a movie.
Dowd must REALLY hate Eastbound & Down or something...
What does that mean?
But what if you really haven’t? And why do you feel the need to defend Drake so much? And shitting on the Beatles? Who’s the insufferable hipster now?