
How did they imply the difference?!?

Eh Tobey was pretty damn annoying in Spiderman 2, at least whenever the focus was on his personal life. God, what a load of boring crap. He was really only decent in the first one.

Take out Heath Ledger amd you have a decent mediocre sequel to Batman Begins, which is still the best of the trilogy IMO. People really give that movie a two letter grade bump solely for him.

Dont worry Professor X says that Rogue can have use of his gloryhole booth down in the lab under the school.

Each each generation seems to age a little bit slower than the last. I mean look at those pictures a guy my age around 30 would probably look like Lance Henriksen does today.

Any more ridiculous than Manhattan?

Goddamn do I hate me some can service Bullshit. in case you’re wondering, I only came to this page to check to see if the show was still a prequel, because the minute it becomes a sequel to Breaking Bad I’m going to start season one. And if it doesn’t I’m never watching it, life is too short to watch a 60 hour

Yet its still a prequel so Im still not interested. We know how this all plays out, and its not like its a movie which is only two hours. I just dont get the appeal of dedicating so many hours to watching all these seasins when nothing that happens to our main characters matter, they'll be just fine consudering they

“It’s K-k-ken, c-c-coming t-to k-kill me!”

Hey, thats my favorite line from Silverado, high five!

This movie always pissed me off in how they dance around the question of whether or not Brackett is sexually attracted to men, which in my book is pretty much the only thing that makes one a gay man. Same for women. And bisexuality? Apparently doesnt exist in this film's universe.

Penguin as Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby? Sold!

Now That’s the flick for this Joker movie to emulate, not The King of Comedy.

Jesus, has EVERY female comic book character been raped at some point?

... Might be time to switch to Decaf.

A superhero who doesnt eat CHEESE or drink milk? What kind of commie bullshit is this? All superhero actors should be required to High Jackman's "Five Whole Chickens A Day" diet before production begins.

These Twitter people...they would make fascinating subjects in a Rorshach Test....

They needed to add White Rastafarian amd maybe a couple Asian Transplants to the gang to be more diverse.

Thanks for the nightmare fuel.