
Is it though? Is it really?...

You’re digustingly reactionary and come off as a deranged crackpot off their meds.

There are plenty if people on this shitty board salivating at the prospect.

Ah go fuck yourself.

Argh Stop Making Sense!

Wow, random Randian Slam outta nowhere! 

People around here do that a lot. He’ll somehow thinking Disney/Marvel movies are overrated has been tagged as a right wing political belief.

My Grandpa looks like me so everytime I see a picture of him or in person I wish the universe would stop reminding me of what Ill look like in 50 years.

So what would the grooming be in this context? Is that term now just a catchall for “Creepy Adult interacting with a child”? Serious question, I want to make sure Im hip wit the lingo

Surprisingly, not Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex... But were Afraid To Ask....

Its like if Bill Cosby kept writing movies where he played The Sandman.

According to you?

What’s the connection between battered women and women who’ve seen a dick they’d rather not have?

How the hell did that happen?

So why do we focus on the useless assholes and pretend like their opinions matter more than the normal people who just didn’t like the movie? 

Don’t tell Laserface that, they’ll call you stupid and claim anyone who says what you said “lacks critical thinking skills.” Will probably insult your existence as a human being in the pursuit of propping themselves up. 

um, no?

I have creatively falling out of my asshole but I just drink some more whiskey and it’s like Pepto Bismol for the imagination.

so just like every Star Wars film since 1983?

The nutjobs who claimed that the prequels raped their childhood mearly had an old fashion bullhorn. Social Media has now provided haters of this new trilogy with a megaphone.