
How the hell did that happen?

So why do we focus on the useless assholes and pretend like their opinions matter more than the normal people who just didn’t like the movie? 

Don’t tell Laserface that, they’ll call you stupid and claim anyone who says what you said “lacks critical thinking skills.” Will probably insult your existence as a human being in the pursuit of propping themselves up. 

um, no?

I have creatively falling out of my asshole but I just drink some more whiskey and it’s like Pepto Bismol for the imagination.

so just like every Star Wars film since 1983?

The nutjobs who claimed that the prequels raped their childhood mearly had an old fashion bullhorn. Social Media has now provided haters of this new trilogy with a megaphone.

if you googled Kinja and RLM or Plinkett, odds are there will be a comment somewhere from this guy letting everyone know how terrible he thinks RLM is. Deep down he really wishes he could just call them misogynist racists and be done with it, but that’s a bridge too far even for him, so he will continue to hammer home

That’s because you act like you’re getting paid to talk shit about them when this whole thread started simply because the OP linked the freshly published Plinkett Review. Hey, you think The Last Jedi is the greatest film ever made and that anyone who disagrees is an evil troll out to personally ruin your day? Kudos to

I’m pretty sure that the Plinkett reviews are the equivalent of the Rolling Stones still to this day going up onstage to sing “Satisfaction”. It’s basically a requirement that the diehard fans expect, even if Mike/Mick’s hearts haven’t been in it for years. I have a feeling that if Mike had his way they’d focus 100%

Just watch out, sometimes he gets REALLY pissed and even I move a few feet away so as not to be associated with the guy who’s pouncing on the weakest of the herd of comic book fans. 

But didn’t you get the memo? If you watch RLM videos

Yeah I get the impression that RLM gets lots of hate simply because they’re harder to dismiss when they bring in actual hands-on knowledge of how films are made, and how hard they are to pull off (Their own efforts are usually the first examples of how many crappy films there are out there)

Hey, it’s good to know you still like something man! Your assault on all things popular the last few months on these boards almost gave me the idea of going back to being a film populist. Yeah, that Predator review has sold me on going to see the new one in theaters, even though they really have nothing to do with

I don’t think you understand that misogyny is not literally depicting hatred and/or violence against women. At worst those murder skits are the typical youtube cry for attention to get your video to go viral, which wasn’t as played out 10 years ago as it is now. Notice how they don’t do that shit anymore when they

Yeah, outside of their Stephen King videos Doug and Rob Walker need to be ignored. That attention should be going to Cinema Snob and Double Toasted anyway (their crossover last month resulted in a delightful discussion on the James Gunn firing). 

I think it comes down the the spot-on description of the script as a first draft by a highly talented High Schooler who will one day go on to write great things. Also comparing the plot progression to the original Vacation movie with Chevy Chase. 

I see this point getting brought up a lot in this thread, and I think it’s completely fucking baseless. You’re basically insinuating that by enjoying the Plinkett Review you agree with every point it makes 100% Only assholes try to make that kind of argument. 

Hey, memes are fun! We can all play!

Why the fuck do you bother with these AvClub shitheads then? Why do you even have a computer? Just cat videos all day?