
He needs to become a brain in a jar after his death, so scientists can run comedic algorithms past it to test their actual comedic value. 

Well, a full organ and body transplant may just be the ticket.... put that brain of his in the lesser Hemsworth brother’s body, he’s not using it for anything worthwhile anyway....

To take it further I’d argue that surrealism is utilized best within a relatively clear constructed narrative. The grounding makes the flight of fancy that much more distinct and cathartic. 

What’s your opinion of Wild at Heart? For me it’s the most coherent thing he’s ever produced and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it was from the same time period as his other most coherent work: Season 1 of Twin Peaks (and yeah I know he was collaborating there, which may be the reason the story makes any

Basically surrealism is only as strong as what is being shown. Sometimes Lynch thinks that just having an extra make a weird noise in the background is enough to make the scene worthwhile. For every great unforgettable image Lynch’s process turns out, there is at least one mundane “Well what the fuck was the point of

Surrealism is one thing. Deliberately fucking with your audience time and time again can be quite amusing in my opinion, but I can understand why some would just find it irritating. Lynch is like Lucy with the football, and we’re all Charlie Brown. Not a surprise that a lot of his die hard fans are people who get a

For me the breaking point finally came with this new season of Twin Peaks. People applauding the last two episodes need to have their head examined because they still can’t admit that David Lynch material is very entertaining and wonderfully surreal, but goddamn is the guy just ALLERGIC to putting even a pinch of

Summer of Sam was one of those movies that I was just a bit too young and a bit too old to appreciate. But it’s still pretty fucking messy and feels like it originally started out with a completely different story scope than what it turned out to have. Then again, I dismissed Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas around the

Inside Man was my SHIT when I was working at Blockbuster in those years I should’ve been attending college. That and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang were my big recommends to customers (Especially my town of grumpy white retired people or grumpy white rich people on vacation, kinda fun to recommend a Spike Lee movie to them

Growing up my favorite Spike Lee movie was The Original Kings of Comedy. Then somehow my brain compartmentalized the bizarre notion of Steve Harvey and Spike Lee collaborating on the same project. 


Please, do tell. I’d like to know what evil shit you did. 

Somehow the accountant named Alan sounds way worse.

Eh, fuck animation. You couldnt pay me to watch a pixar film even if it won every single award. 

There are plenty of dummies around here who would argue with you that Black Panther is better than The Godfather amd The Graduate combined.

Because? All I saw was another boring superhero movie.

What Disney wants Disney gets. 

No they don’t because the tube is for old people now, I guess. The streaming is for the “Hip” crowd.

Boy oh boy that adaptation of The Stand is gonna be shitty. You know why? Because they’re probably going to follow the book and also update to the present day, like updating the dates in Forrest Gump but keeping the meeting with JFK.

because you’re needlessly antagonistic to people who, while they don’t line up with you on every issue they are far from your enemy or opponent?