What Disney wants Disney gets.
What Disney wants Disney gets.
because you’re needlessly antagonistic to people who, while they don’t line up with you on every issue they are far from your enemy or opponent?
My car is still gonna crash. I’ll never get to where I’m going driving over hundreds of thousands of bodies, all writhing and whining no matter which lane you pick. I’m thinking the best solution is go offroading into the desert, like the end of Nightmare on Elm Street 2.
well as regards to “eating”, as we say: “It can be two things.”
I’m still trying to decipher the point of view here... Johnny Depp should get a pass for “something” (person doesn’t really know what) because about 5 years or so ago James Gunn wrote a 15 second scene (that we’ve seen in a thousand movies so it’s cliched if anything) where a big inmate intimidates a smaller inmate. Hm…
Not if he likes to start with the sweetmeats....
James Gunn must’ve actually eaten Chris Pratt at some point, or at least taken a chunk out of his right butt cheek.
How does that work?
He likes to draw them on with a pencil to convey the Many Moods of Depp. Shock and surprise, anger, drunken confusion....
“Like two duck eggs in a napkin!”
Well for all those people jealous of these celebrities that “never age”... take a good look at the photo above. This is the tradeoff: You reach your 50's and it happens all at once.
So the term government censorship is redundant?
But both lanes have giant potholes filled with assholes on their outer edges.
Youre not helping.
With friends like you, who needs enemies?
That is just flawed thinking in its theoretical implications. I mean, didnt you see The Shape of Water?
No its not rude, youre supposed to suck his dick for showing you the error of your ways.
Holy shit, whatever side youre on I wanna make sure Im not standing next to you, even if it means abstaining from the issue. Jesus Fucking Christ....
I think Women of Color should make more pedophilia jokes, but that’s just me.
3 is terrible because of that ill advised opening teaser. Fuck JJ Abrams.