
I didn’t know that Twitter paid people to tweet jokes back then. I have like 100 dead baby jokes just sitting in a drawer. I coulda turned those into cash!

It seems like it’s all blogging these days, even in the few print Newspapers I still see around here in CA. 

You know, if you read that tweet too fast, it almost comes off as Pro-Victim of Rape for a second there... glad I re-read it for context. 

Hey, as one of the biggest critics of this website regarding this (and yes I AM a fucking weird person with too much time on his hands, whyda ya ask?) I tend to agree with them on this. This isn’t good for anyone except for people like Cernovich who’ve got nothing to lose. Basically we’re going to go back to being as

Yeah and I just want to apologize if I came off too angry in some of my other posts to you. I got confused as to where you were coming from. Um, don’t know what else to say, keep on truckin’ I guess?

My feet would like a word with you regarding this idea that there aren’t simple “Cause & Effect” symptoms and health issues regarding being overweight. It’s also not good for you mental health, ever think about that? The body is a machine, and when it’s not running at optimum efficiency it’s underperforming, and that

“I’m perfect JUST the way I am!” (Dies of heart attack at age 53)

What do the nutritionists say, though?

now you just have to convince women to be attracted to fat men. And not just because they’re rich. 

So you want to perpetuate another myth then?

Wait what is this even a list of?

You’re calling Jason Segal a fat guy? Wow. Standards have really reverted back to pre 60's ideas of bodies. 

Yeah but he’s squinting in that photo. I’m sure there are plenty of weird woman out there who would fall for his sad puppy dog expression he’d always give Leah Remini.

Basically the only difference is that for some reason guys never seem to internalize it to the point where they decide to starve themselves or become bulimic. Except when Christian Bale is preparing for a role. 


Yeah I get all the same shit in public and from acquaintances you just mentioned, but I’m not a woman. Maybe I’m imagining it?

what the fuck are you talking about with that dad bod crap? You’re talking about old people. I assure you that Dad Bods are not in with the under 35 crowd who go to the beach or are expected to have their shirts off in the summer. Why must people like you make it an all or nothing issue?

well good for the fictional fat guys then. 

They also don’t get nearly as many dates either. 

The bigger issue is our fucking health. Jesus fucking Christ. Let’s all resign ourselves to a nation of diabetics because someone’s feelings got hurt. (I’ve been fat all my life and don’t take it lightly, so save your keystrokes on that score).