
but with 20% less homicidal glee. 

Kinda weird how being Mick Jagger’s lover would count as one of the more normal periods of her adult life. 

What’s funny is that your observation could be taken either way depending on which Joker you prefer while still being 100% accurate. I approve. I also like when Joker has a powdered moustache and a vaguely European accent.

Ledger’s Joker fit the Nolanverse perfectly, I gotta say. I was so damn worried going into that movie that the Joker was going to have an Australian lilt to his voice, like Mel Gibson in the first Lethal Weapon. 

For me it’s that Ledger is an ‘A’ performance, top notch, couldn’t have asked for more. But Nicholson’s Joker just may be the single most influential performance in a film for me personally, having watched my damn VHS Batman tape until it wore out at the end. It’s hard for me to be objective when I still quote half of

It really isn’t so directly linked with McCarthyism, and more to do with the screenwriter’s anxieties about the Anti Communist League in Hollywood and how he seemed to be the only one of his Hollywood circle not to capitulate and declare himself a friendly witness. It kinda sounds like splitting hairs but I’d think

I don’t get it. I saw both of them for the first time this April, and they’re so different it’s like comparing Close Encounters to Star Wars because they both have spaceships in them. Although I may have a bias in that I didn’t well up with tears at the end of High Noon, but I certainly did at the end of The

Not bad. I guess some people including myself get tired of people hyping the damn movie up, especially outside of genre film and superhero discussions. It’s no Godfather, but it IS better than Godfather 3, that’s for damn sure. 

YYou call Forrest Whitaker because Nic Cage was too busy doing direct-to-Netflix Taken knock offs to pay off his tax bill.

Weaksauce complaint about a movie star being a movie star. Thats Hollywood, baby. 

Its either this or more crap like Heart Condition or Bad Rom Coms about Viagra

Youre thinking of Slash fic, not fan fic

For people around here there was a distinct lack of laser guns and people flying around in purple outfits. (Hee hee just pulling your leg everybody)

Hey! Thats the line I had in mind when i was writing that above. And yeah, it was her abusive boyfriend that she went on to marry. Also King describing erections as exclamation points, hard branch in his pants, divining rods, an arrow pointing the way... Etc...

I kinda like the mob stuff and p okitical corruption of the Jaws novel, but I really could do without Ellen Bridy’s midlife crisis where she jumps in bed with the littke brother of her high school sweetheart, almost as pointless as the Johnny Fontaine stuff in Godfather but not nearly as pointless as Lucy and her

Puzo is one of those writers im very sympathetic to. He comes up with great stories and his prose is veey readable amd page turnt (like a less southern version of John Grisham) but like Stephen King fills his novels with bizarre extraneous details. Both of them couldn’t write a tasteful or dignified death scene to

Italians are weirdos, thats why. Im only a quarter but i sometimes feel the urge to kiss people on the lips as a casual greeting. (Not really)

That’s really unfortunate. He’d be great playing a killing machine-type that murders everyone in sight, smiling as he does it. 

We got a PG-13 Total Recall and it was so awful that being watered down to PG-13 didn’t even make the Top 10 for things wrong with that film. Somehow they managed to keep in on Earth and make it LESS plausible than the Schwarzenegger version....

At least half of Arnold’s movies are ones he’s remembered for, including a few bad ones. You could say Conan, Terminator 1 OR 2, Predator, Total Recall, True Lies, Batman & Robin, and they’d all be correct.