That’s the best you got? A spelling typo?
Just keep telling yourself that. I’m sure it will affect positive change in your life.
he probably meant the incredibly tardy sequel from two or three years ago.
yeah I don’t get releasing the movie now when I still can’t find a theater suitably empty enough for my liking to see Infinity War. Damn thing still has theaters at 70% capacity full on Sunday at noon, for chrissakes.
I just don’t get the logic in releasing a Han Solo origin film at this point. We JUST closed the book on his character in Force Awakens, why aren’t we getting the backstory to someone who actually matters in the context of the new trilogy? Or someone who has been out of the plot for a longer period of time, like…
You seem like a deep thinker. Please, elaborate.
I misread “90% of his stuff” as “90% of this book”, sorry.
You have to know the rules sometimes before you can break them. Unless you’re a Savant or Child Prodigy, I guess...
I’m sorry but that panel just brings back bad memories of Jim Lee’s X Men comics, which seemed to be drawn to deliberately make my eyes water and go out of focus.
Dude, that game brings back memories. Like how the Tuskan Raider fighter is named “Hoar” and is pronounced exactly like you’d think. Pretty ridiculous though, that the lightsaber has the effectiveness of a whiffleball bat in that game...
It’s like the one comic book industry in-joke I get! (That dude’s artwork is burned onto my brain since childhood, gave me my first negative opinion of comic books).
I always hate that particular comic art style. I mean, The Hulk looks more realistic than some of the human drawings... just look at Schwarzenegger’s physique circa 1977 and use that as your model, guys!
But I think we can all agree that comic book art was best when it was stuff like Watchmen, which harkened back to the silver age style whilst still have better color depth and richer blacks... The 90's style of comic art made me a novel reader well before my reading level was up to it, because I just couldn’t get over…
even a guy like me who practically anti-comic book knows of Rob Liefeld. Between him and Jim Lee they basically destroyed any chance of me getting into X Men comics as a kid, with their super exaggerated drawing styles. And as an amateur cartoonist I always get a kick out of a guy who can’t draw feet (like me) somehow…
Hopefully you don’t take my last comment as a condemnation. It was meant to be read as a state of mild shock on my part.
What are you thoughts on the protracted beginning? I have a personal dislike of spending tons of time with characters who know way less than the reader does. And that prosecutor is straight out of a lesser John Grisham book, ugh.
Do yourself a favor and read the first 100 pages as fast as you possibly can. It starts to smooth out a bit after that.
Holy crap you must not have read a lot of Stephen King. I admit I haven’t finished the book yet, but it’s passable at best, and poorly paced in the early going.
no, this is a list of what we should be doing while we’re at work. You know, instead of working. Trust me, I wasted my youth inside, I haven’t even seen the new Avengers movie yet because I can’t bring myself to sit in a theater while it’s still light outside....