
Bazaar of Bad Dreams was quite tepid, in my opinion. Mostly old fart stories.

Even his other son is pretty heavy handed in his collection from last year, Strange Weather. I’m pretty bummed now. Its looking like 11/22/63 really was a swan somg of sorts. Oh well, back to listening to Different Seasons on audiobook for the 6th time...

Hey, do what you gotta do.

Oh youre reading Sleeping Beauties? I’m sorry...

Rwading a King book makes me feel dumb and unread sometimes when he has half the local stewbums and barbers quoting Yeats.

AAnd they always have a super smart dog.

It gets annoying when everybody but the writer and his wife are either evil Christians or really dumb lemmings (usually Christian) and yet, he always lets the religions themselves off the hook despite the doctrines putting these situations in motion.

GGives mme chills just thinking about reading the heading on the page.

I kinda want to return my preorder if all the people around here are getting all excited at more “Isnt that Trump an asshole?” fodder. He’s really bad at trying to say something, just look at Under the Dome. His last novel was fucking atrocious, like reading about Forrest Gump discovering feminism via horribly cliches

You had the emotional reaction of a fundamentalist Christian... Congratulations!

Why dont you go take this up with all the people on the other thread who keep saying the French are disgusting rapist perverts as a whole based on their age of consent law? Spider here is just making a corny joke.

I guess the problem is that in the US so many teenagers have the emotional maturity of 8 year olds... And don’t forget the man children. 15 sounds like 11 these days.

SO fuck France, basically? USA USA?

YYou should check out dirtside’s comment above

That headline is some National Enquirer shit

Something about Canada and Holland has always made me think that the citizens have very bad, very putrid ass gas.

Sounds like someone’s microwaving popcorn when I’m on the jakes.

Congratulations. ya neurotic shut-in. ;)

It doesnt help that his novels have shifted to being more about tone and mood, and the character’s internal thoughts. His early stuff was more “action” and dialogue oriented.

I swear Different Seasons should be on someone’s 10th grade English curicculum.