
The fact that the writers thought the terminally unfunny britcom Vicious was worthy of totally unironic reference in Mr. Largo’s home life tells you all you need to know about modern Simpsons

Erica almost certainly needed 24-hour care, which normally requires at least a few different full- and part-time people to cover (the only problem with this is the line from her husband about how she’d been like that for days and he was waiting for Elizabeth, but it may be that he cancelled the other nurses’ shifts

Oh, man. It just occurred to me that although people have been reading his relationship with Stan as what will save Henry when it all goes down, Stan’s speech a while back about how he doesn’t have the luxury of trusting anyone (intended at the time to make us suspicious of Renee) might make him turn on Henry when

If anything The Middle seems like the obvious comparison.

Though it /is/ kind of interesting that the reviewer reads all these non-white families as working class despite the significant textual evidence to the contrary...

Yes this! The Johnsons are clearly very wealthy professionals. That’s a big part of the premise of the show. The Huangs aren’t really working class either—Cattleman’s seems successful enough to afford them a comfortable lifestyle and Jessica also has her own income from her real estate stuff. One Day at a Time is

Re cute/nerdy Eric: he is in suspiciously good shape, too, which we see especially in the scene where Abby breaks in after he is deflowered by Ramona.

TV ‘nerds’ who turn out to be jacked as soon as they get a shirtless scene are an even bigger pet peeve of mine than ‘TV-ugly’ characters played by attractive actors.

I had to do the same thing (but with Italian). Smith’s soulless and mush-mouthed delivery is by far the weakest point of the whole enterprise, and once that and the other oddities of the English script are replaced with more...typical?...genre-appropriate?...voice acting, it becomes quite watchable if not brilliant.

It could easily have done double-duty as a callback without losing the joke, too:

Bart: Why has nobody told me about this?
Lisa (sheepish): Yeah, hahhhh

My pet theory is that Will has a (perhaps not yet conscious, and in any case unreciprocated) crush on Mike and that is how they will develop the ‘Will is queer’ angle in the future. The little touches of how their relationship is portrayed (this moment, after Will’s Halloween freakout, and *vague spoiler* later on in

Except presumably as a font of knowledge on this subject he would actually know that Tokugawa Ieyasu established Edo as the new centre of government in 1603. That’s why the whole term of the Tokugawa Shogunate from 1603-1868 is also called the Edo period.

It seemed to me that the intention behind interlacing the previous Offred's suicide with this particular storyline is to imply that her relationship with Waterford escalated in a manner similar to what we are seeing with June/Offred in the present. That may be why SJ says "what did you think was going to happen" as

Earlier that day: I don't care for Season 4.

I think the likeliest answer for the shooter is Russell's neighbour, with Gale as the off-the-wall dark horse candidate. The cars may or may not be related to the shooter (if it is the neighbour, he'd have reason to torch them both but have a special desire for revenge on Gamby).

That show has some real brilliance, but it remains hard to justify the bathroom scene.

Good sleuthing!

I totally agree that this seems carefully designed as a response to the usual message you get in media about 'persistence' somehow paying off. Steven and Connie, in their focus on Jamie's feelings, even provide a good example of how their expectations may have been moulded by the media they consume (like torrid soap

That would mean Greg's music career lasted only a few months (if that), which is not the impression I had going into this episode. He recorded at least one album before he met Rose, and had tour merch etc, which leads me to think he was doing his one man band thing for at least a year or two before he abandoned it to

I think this is probably right. The experience of being separated may have been enough of a shock—Ruby was practically in withdrawal—that Garnet was shaken a bit out of her previous complacency and inward focus. Being fused with someone with whom you are highly compatible is probably psychologically addictive…and it

Current Greg looks to be in his earlyish forties, which would have put him around 30 in the video. His meeting with Rose would then have been around the age of 24, which is pretty believable for his appearance and his history. Greg may not have gone to CC straight out of high school, and even if he did he may have