
This has always been my take on it. While Steven (so far as we know) will never able to give up his gem or his physical form without dying, it seems very probable that if that ever did happen Rose would be able to return. Even Pearl seems to hint that she thinks Rose is still in there somewhere in their conversation…

If he is Sour Cream's dad, then this gives us at least some indication of how long Rose and Greg were together before Steven was born. Assuming SC is ~17 and Steven is ~12 (and his Gem powers/age manipulation don't screw it up), it looks like around 5-6 years.

As great as Sean Giambrone is in this role, is anyone else sometimes distracted by his very strong Upper-Midwest accent? In a strange way it fits with his character, but it still doesn't match the setting or the rest of the family.

It is for their sake that I must stay strong and super-duper yummy.

I know exactly the feeling you mean—watching TPIR inevitably makes me feel like I am ten years old at my grandparents' house.

Yeah, even though most of the OMG SO RANDOM!!1 stuff really isn't a style of humour that appeals to me, the meta-commentary in this crossover kind of saved the episode for me.