
thanks for that! man i rewatched the whole show twice this year and totally couldn't remember that conversation.

Where/when did Jake employ the 'magic mud puddle' ? I was just thinking that that was the only thing i didn't like about this revelation- AT is usually so good at slow dripping things, and this seemed to come out of nowhere. i'd feel better knowing there had been discussion that jake's shapeshifting is unique, though

I see- so season 2 was announced first, but then they ended up announcing 3/4 well before the second season started?

dygitalninja- i could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure seasons 2-4 were all greenlit at the same time, not just season 3-4. if i get a sec later i'll try to source that and get back to you. but that said, i agree that team zaheer aren't necessarily dying, and i think that's a cool possibility (edit: http://bryankonietzko

First, while i agree with everything about Nick mishandling, they did already order a fourth season, it's been made clear that that will air digitally, and from comic con, it sounds like that season is almost in production and won't see any changes (while i knew season 4 was already ordered, i wasn't sure if this

Any source on creator not liking? not that i doubt you, just would be cool to read up on it :)

I'll admit I was happy with it except for the song. while it definitely did a good job creating a learning tool for kids, it felt just a bit too repetitive without adding anything to the food chain concept.

seconded: i think whether or not this resolution bothers me depends on how things proceed from here regarding the arm.

ha! that said, i love it that they reference the long time spent unconscious in the water, but alive when he replies by saying "not usually" (aside: can't think of other times besides billy's bucket list/the first fear feaster episode where he's underwater breathing. is there?)

This whole finale was built around declarations of love:

I don't know about 'quality' per se, and agree with tone, but… i think that's just a question of demographic? Granted, i don't know how its shifted, and nick has, say, Avatar and Korra, but CN has long had a connection to adults via Adult Swim and its content… so it seems to me to just be a matter of whom the shows

A bit sad for coverage numbers that we're including a rerun episode! buut still appreciative of the review :)

Agree- though i don't think it's about Adventure time being 'better' necessarily, just faster ;). There's no rule that you have to world build to be great…. or that your world building can't be of a certain scope, like in Misfits, where they never even attempt to create an explanation, or backstory, for the event that

yeah- i took the flashback as trying to play up the genre elements of the episode- but that was just a guess, and at most explains, not justifies, the padding.

credit where it's due- having regina's kiss be the answer helps just a teeny bit to ameliorate OUAT's adopted-parent hate trope.

So, it's interesting that the lion clearly has a connection to Rose Quartz after this episode (which also acts as a nice explanation of why the lion is pink), which makes it interesting that the other gems don't recognize the lion.

So happy to see coverage is getting a trial run!

i mean. i think that's why we're all here, right ;) ?

well we at least get a partial-answer for james next week (check out synopsis for episode). also, interview over at io9 says finn/dad relationship plays out over 'first eight episodes' of this season, so seems like they intend to deliver this one at a faster pace than others!