
seemed likely but then figured with Adventure Time it could be some made-up slang ;)

not sure what 'use to be a Jorge' means; but I have read that before that a storboard said he was imprisoned unfairly and spent his days fighting off the other inmates.

fav episodes:

The tag definitely seemed to me to be setting that up? or at least wanted people to hold out hope for that possibility. But maybe i misinterpreted, was admittedly multitabbing during it.

based on what Thea says though 'that he's known for years', it seems like Slade was obviously not quite honest on the timeline. Also, I mean, they did know about the affair before (right? i can't remember), but it's entirely possible that Slade found some way of explaining that Oliver knew Thea's heritage without the

I did! and came back after seeing it hadn't been corrected to see if anyone had posted as such. damn you/thank you for beating me to it! :)

Anyone get a distinctly Bravest Warriors vibe from the reveal at the end of this? reminded me a lot of the S1 ending to that show. Which is kind of cool, but I've also appreciated how different the style/arcs of AT vs BW have been, and hoping that that continues to be the case.

aaah got it. thanks! yeah. still gonna keep my fingers crossed for sky civilization then :)

another reply had a great shot of the kingdoms to show off what you're talking about, thanks! as for the really tall tree shot- what makes you say it's dead? (asking without ability to rewatch atm, so apologies if its something obvious)

aha- thanks for the pic. that's the sort of thing i was looking for. still not convinced that the treehouse is the treehouse, or just the treehouse, but that may be wishful thinking on my part. still, seems a bit coincidental to have an entire cloud area introduced in main ep and have that not be a reference in the

saw that and thought it might be- it just seemed so narrow that i had a harder time thinking it was suppoed to be the same. also, given the other PB having a civ in the cloud made it seem like it was alluding to that being the future residence of OOO

ooc- besides proximity to castle lemongrab, is there a reason that this is necessarily the candy kingdom? ie obvious architectural features/evolutions?

Take your point about drawbacks to multi episode arcs, but not sure how that correlates with being a kids show? i think the vast majority of cartoons i watched as a kid had, or even were predominantly, multi episode arcs:

Interested to see so much dislike for this episode; I was a big fan. Partially i felt like it was the most 'consistent' from a comedy perspective, not in the sense that it was consistently funny, but more that it took a very specific tone/style of humor and played to that same strain throughout the whole episode.

I don't think anyone has noted that the music that plays during the breakfast scene is the same/very similar to the music that plays during the scene where Shoko helps bubblegum put together the gumball guardians.