
Yeah, exactly. And this one looks phenomenal underneath. At this point in the 3rd gen game you’re buying them based on the condition of the frame. Body panels, mileage—all the stuff people are bitching about here—are totally secondary to the condition of the frame and the mechanicals. This one has a perfect frame and

The people ND’ing this don’t have any concept of the current used car market or the value for preowned 4Runners. Even if we weren’t in a used car price-pocalypse, it would probably still be worth $7k at Cali prices.

And in typical David Tracy fashion he uses a $100k press vehicle to haul Jeep parts for a $2000 Jeep.

And Jalopnik continues the time honored tradition of shitting on GM one way or the other. I’m shocked they still ask you guys to review things.

It’s meth heads all the way down

I’m sure there is a McDonalds, or a gas station, within 50 miles he could work at

For real, were I a judge handling this request, I’d immediately reduce his travel radius to the curb in his front yard, then I’d call his lawyer into my office and kick him or her square in the backside, because if you’re going to waste my time I ought to get a little enjoyment out of it.

If he’s trying to sell photos like the one up on top (i.e., a photo from a professional journalist instead of something one of his buddies snapped on a phone), then he’d be violating all sorts of copyright laws, too.

Fuck your feelings deplorable.

Can he make money off the commission of a crime?  IANAL, but seems like a real bad idea to be selling pictures of him breaking the law.  Seems like a stupid picture to have taken, and a terrible business model (the pictures in the article).  

Judge to stupid, easily manipulated, domestic terrorist: "Go fuck yourself."


“These new windows from Anderson are the real deal. If the Capitol had these installed we never would’ve gotten in. So can I put you down for 8 of these puppies?”

Similar boat here. I want/need and will probably buy the Maverick but seeing the 2 door Bronco has my brain trying to erase all memory of the Maverick.

I don’t off-road, have an ‘86 4Runner.
I don’t need a convertible, have 996 ‘vert. And 4Runner I guess. And motorbikes.
I need a small truck, like the Maverick.

But I really want a 2 door Bronco. 

After seeing thousands of F-250's parked waiting for chips, I have a feeling many of their chips are going in the Bronco.

All for some journalist or commenter on the internet to complain about it.

I work as an automotive engineer. You just hit the nail on the head.

Are they actually shipping them to dealer lots, or just to some huge parking lot until the brains can be installed?

It’s one of those things that always gets overlooked, but holy shit does it look hard to build a car. From design to manufacturing, everything is complicated. Like, some dude (more likely a team) had to design, test, and build a machine to deliver a seat at exactly there right time to exactly the right place, and it