
The African peoples are hugely diverse in terms of countries, cultures, governments, and sure, tribes...but they’re not all tribal, and there have been many different “civilizations” in Africa that existed while Europeans still lived in tribes...She could have been dating a black man in the video, or featured black

What I continue to find lacking in the coverage of this is the fact that the “deal” is not just between Iran and the United States. This is a multi-national agreement that has already been approved by the UN Security Council and the other nations participating. Congressional “approval” is mostly pro-forma and not the

I haven’t seen this one, but the favorite comment I saw on Facebook included this line:

I’m a feminist who is constantly talking about the patriarchy and sexist ideas of acceptable femininity. . . but this would piss me right off.

A non-profit social center in Columbus had an astounding response to the signs that were up at Ohio State. (This is a mock-up. People were begging them to actually print it and put it up)

But cue all the people expecting black people to have to answer for Williams when these same people got their panties in a twist cuz #notallwhitepeople when Roof shot up a shit ton of people. Fuck dude, it was the same way coworkers asked me what I had to say when that undocumented Mexican man murdered that woman in

As a white person, I’m fucking terrified that Trump is going to make some association on the media and only further the racial divide. I can see Fox having a field day. Ugh.

I have to disagree, respectfully. For example, when motives are things like extreme politicial or religious beliefs, I think its important to expose exactly what that type of mentality reaps. Out of the horror of the shooting in Charleston, a much-needed conversation happened about “Southern pride” and ”heritage.”

I don’t want to live in a world where people think that NEWS REPORTERS should be armed.

Just saw this pop up on my iPhone. It’s terrifying and horrific and tragic. The Facebook posting of the video already has many comments along the lines of “Well, if they had been armed they could’ve fired back and shot the asshole.” I’m so sick of these shootings happening day in and day out and all we can do is

This is very telling of his sanctimonious behavior;

He said “graphic depictions of sexuality” not sex. Like he couldn’t deal with relationships being presented.

Okay. Allow me to gather my eyeballs back from where I just rolled them the hell out of my head, so that I might respond to this ridiculousness as a Literature instructor at the college level.

READING SOMETHING IS NOT THE SAME AS EXPERIENCING SOMETHING. That means you can read about what it’s like to be a gay person

Grosso could've just not read the book, but why waste an opportunity to appear sanctimonious in public?

Britney really does make the BEST faces.

The way to address the gender imbalance problem is with gender equity, rather than placing restrictions on women’s access to reproductive health care. Similarly, I’m all for continued improvements and enlightenment re: attitudes toward and resources for people with disabilities. If we have a society where having a

Female police cadet here. I think it’s very important that we have diverse police departments, women and minorities included. Do we have a lot of work to do to improve our current departments? Yes. But we can do this!

I am Mexican. I for random reasons have documents. But I have many relatives and friends who are EXACTLY like me in every possible measure but have no documents. I do not consider myself any different from an undocumented Mexican but I can and will vote and I will make sure that me and my kids NEVER forget this. For

Hey ladies, interested in giving up wine and your antidepressant for a drug that probably won't work and if it does will barely make a difference? Ladies? ....anyone?