I'm so stressed over this. At midnight Central, I'll be hitting the bar.
I'm so stressed over this. At midnight Central, I'll be hitting the bar.
EDGE OF MY FUCKING SEAT. This is insane! Keep arguing, guys!
I just laughed out loud at the letter that said (basically) that because Rick Perry is not Jesus, he doesn't get to judge women and tell them what to do with their bodies.
Oh my godddd. "I did it because it was the right thing to do. It was the *Christian* thing to do" - Sen. Eddie Lucio III, a DEMOCRAT who says he's pro-life, who just explained why he voted against this bill. Thanks for making sure your Christian beliefs ban something that others who aren't Christian have the right to…
Yep, same guy. He's been bleating on and on for the past half hour because he interrupted Sen. Davis' readings of personal stories to ask these ridiculous questions. I'm a texan and can't get any work done today bc I'm watching this at my desk.
She owns all of the badass today.
Go Senator Davis Go! I'm rooting for you!
I had a little time earlier, so I watched a bit. She was in tears and. it. fucking. killed. me. So much respect for Senator Davis. SO MUCH.
"They'll find out soon enough."
I really wish Michael Bay would step off my childhood.
I'm gonna disagree and say it's absolutely okay to be unkind or nasty to white girls who say n—-er. And I am sick to fucking death of racists' Southern-ness being brought up in their defense, as though that's relevant.
A grown transgendered woman (biological man) was trying to use the women locker room...
You might want to do some actual research on what it takes to get a gender changed on medical documents and passports and legal certification. It certainly isn't as simple as going to a doctor, saying "I'm actually a girl!", and the doctor saying "okay, cool, I'll just sign this form and you can be on your way."
This is the same stupid shit as you would say when a woman says she is raped. You'll sit back and claim that some women LIE so why should we believe HER? There is NO benefit to claiming to be raped or claiming to be trans gendered. What possible upside is there to this? You think some dude is going to upend his entire…
A lady asked me "When's the baby due?" while I was at ~a bar~ drinking ~copious amounts of booze.~
This woman did not ask for advice on how to hide her belly, she asked for advice on how to deal with people making remarks about her body in a polite manner. Dear Abby should have given her that advice, not told her "go get lipo". You cannot honestly be that dense.
Hey everybody! Cyndaquillie doesn't like abortions so let's all stop fucking! We're all cool with that, right?
We should all stop doing a natural, pleasurable, 100% legal thing because you don't like abortion? Gotcha.
Nobody likes abortion. But it all comes down to choice. It is my choice if I do not want to carry a pregnancy to term. It is also my choice if I do want to carry a pregnancy to term. If someone restricts abortion,…
Fortunately, you don't have to like abortion. This isn't about your likes and dislikes. There are many, MANY reasons for a woman to choose abortion as the best option beyond "ridding yourself of a parasite." It isn't about the population having sex as often as possible, either.
some of the teenagers on my facebook list (I work for a ballet company and have friended many of the dancers) have been passing around 'modesty' posts. one of which started with 'hey girls, this is a survey from some christian boys about what they want from us girls blah blah blah it's on us to help and support our…