
I think the reason they got defensive (I hope I don't upset with that term), is the same reason I was initially defensive to yours and other posts. My mother has handicap tags and there are two time where my mother and I were jumped by people in the parking lot for parking in the handicap spot. It was not a pleasant

CORGI! Look at those little-bitty legs!!

The phone thing is one of those generalizations that makes me laugh as I have such a wonderful counter-example. I attended a workshop on Age Diversity in the workplace. There were 20 or so people in my small session. One thing the older attendees kept harping on was cellphones and my generation. BUT, in that 4 hour

I work for the state of Texas. If we work over 40 hours a week at my place of employment and try to get OT pay instead of comp-time... well you pretty much have to take someone hostage and send a ransom note. It is ridiculous. AND there are only and handful of times a year that one can even put in overtime, so its not

That is a is a better use of cups to teach a sex lesson. This makes statistics you are told "real" to students. I wish this had been the lesson I had been given.

I had to do the cups full of colored water, where everyone would poor some of their different colored water in with yours and in the end you had a cup of strange color in college. It was suppose to illustrate how dirty you would end up if you shared your "cup" with everyone. I was smart about it though and only shared

I too grew up with "tough tits" as an alternative for "man up." I also would get "tough titty" or the longer "tough titty said the kitty when the milk went dry" if I was complaining about something being unfair. Personally I don't find the class name offensive. "Tough Tits" has always brought up a weird mental image

I am doing this exact same thing at my desk, I can assure you it is no where near as cute.

I witnessed a horrible exchange between a staff member at the check in desk and an overweight patient earlier this week while waiting in line. The gentlemen needed a CT Scan but was over the weight limit for the scanner at the clinic. The lady working the desk was extremely rude to the man about the entire thing, he

That last quote makes me really sad and upset. Yet another think society is forcing down children's throats! There is nothing about being a couple that makes you special and that mindset will lead to individuals staying in unhealthy relationships. Good for you for making that change!

Both. I have one of those giant paper calendars on my desk at work. I also use my Outlook (work) and Google (personal) calendars, both of which sync and give reminders on my phone.

It didn't hurt. There was some discomfort and, what I would call, normal period cramps for the rest of the night. I've had it for close to two and a half years now and it is the greatest thing ever. Since I'm child-free the doctor had me take some medicine to soften my cervix. That was the worst part, it made me so

I'm a Tampax gal, I have very light periods (thanks Mirena!) so I don't need a lot of fluff to catch the flow. Other brands were painful on removal due to being so dry, I don't know if Tampax has a coating on them or what but it doesn't feel like I'm pulling a cactus out when I use one.

I work in a library on a university campus, we provide both pads and tampons for free in one of our restrooms. It is one part awesome, cause hello handy tampon during a surprise period, and one part suck, because some girls go there and stock up on all the free ones- so rude!

I got a state issued id when I was in 9th grade, I needed it for my bank account and so I could fly for a school trip. It looked just like* a drivers license and all my friends were super impressed.

I applied to an online posting, had an interview, and got the job. I was lucky, it was the first (and only, since I'm still working here) job I applied to after graduating college.

I grew up in a house, in the south, that did not have heating or air. In the winter we had a stove to heat the house. For summers, well mostly we were miserable. The first floor of the house was much older then the second floor with windows designed for a breezeway (we shut off the second floor and left it mostly

Most of these were quick votes for me, but Bradley Cooper... man, I ended up just playing "eeny, meeny, miny, mo."

I'm in Texas too. We pay sales tax on everything already. When I purchase something on Amazon I pay a sales tax, my Netflix is taxed, etc.

The date rules are such BS. My school allowed you to attend without a date but charged you extra. You couldn't get around it by going with a one of your girl friends either. A date was strictly defined as boy and girl.