
I've been to three different gyno offices over the years and every single freakin one is an icebox. Is it a rule or something? Here put on this little robe and sit here in the freezing cold, then I'm going to come in and touch you while wearing gloves I've kept in the sub-zero freezer we have in the back. Next I'm

I can't tell you how many times I've seen something on Craigslist and the price on it was crazy high. They always have "$100 obo" on it, but when you try to make any offer the person trying to make the sale gets all upset. I'm not out to low-ball you, but I am not going to pay more then it is worth. A lot of people

I find it very interesting that he looks like two different people when you look at the still and the cover shot.

Thanks! The first thing that popped into my head after reading this was what happens when my cat eats it?

I've had a Mirena for just over 2 years now. My period is now very, very light and I have little to no cramping. I didn't have any pain issues with the insertion process, just a bit of discomfort. The most painful part of the entire thing was my doctor measuring the depth of my uterus and she hit the top of it with

And you completely read into that comment what you wanted to. No where did they say sports need to be removed from schools. They did say the emphasis should be moved from sports to education. All the social skills, confidence, and health related benefits will not help once you are out in the "real world" and have to

I think platforms are really cute, I just can't walk in them. They are so heavy! Does anyone own a nice pair that aren't like walking around with weights tied to your feet?

As someone who looks younger then their age you just have to learn to let it roll off you. Yes getting carded for everything sucks (and I mean everything, I got carded while buying an R rated movie at WalMart), but I know it is going to happen and I just have my ID handy. I'll get the last laugh in the end when I'm 60

I had this same problem. My husband comes from a huge family. What we ended up doing was getting married early in the day so the reception would fall between breakfast and lunch. We served light snacks and called it good. If you really want the sit down meal reception tradition I'm not sure how to go about asking

While the skirts and scarfs are easy pieces that can be done without a pattern, the issue someone trying to recreate these at home would run into is the fabric. It is obviously custom print, which means you would have to order it and I don't know when you last looked at ordering custom printed fabric but that gets

I turn it inside out so it looks neat and clean. It really isn't to prevent someone from seeing the brand of anything, I just like the appearance of a solid tone box.

If you are picky, like I am, and like your presents to look pretty you can turn the box inside out so when they open the package they see a brown box and not what brand of oatmeal you eat.

I've experienced this exact same thing. The nurse weighed me, did all the other preliminary stuff, and sent me to a room. The doctor looked at the chart and had me reweighed. I kept telling him, no I do weigh that much. It was strange and I wasn't sure how I really felt about it.

They could do an entire "thing" with this design. I would buy a wallet that like or a little compact mirror for my purse!

I'm jealous of your pristine library! Or poor custodial work their butts off to try and keep up with the mess around here. But we are a big library at a huge school and the past few years the university has downsized the amount of custodial staff. Its more work then they can really do.

Hi, I'm not a librarian as I don't have my MLS (yet), but I do work in a university library as staff. We had windows cut into our study rooms due to sex in them becoming an issue. The students would leave their condoms on the floor/chair/desk, the rooms would smell afterwards, and, yes, sometimes there would be fluids

My dad always did the same thing when I was a kid. I was taught to never touch a gun without him around, but he would always make sure the person's house I was going to had their guns stored properly. Good parenting!

I'm a gun owner. I was raised with guns and enjoy hunting and target shooting. That said, I have no problem with making it more difficult to attain a gun. I have not had any point in my life where I needed to purchase a gun at that very moment in time, I can not see this need ever arising. Currently a simple

I agree.

This story pisses me off to no end. What the hell America? I would love to see a more diverse group of people working in TV, it would be a reflection of the diversity in America. Sadly we are all being held back by groups of idiots that thing race is something to judge a person on! I hope the woman in your class gave