
I, personally, don’t care if it is not healthier. I want them so i don’t have to feel guilty about the animals. If i can eat a burger without having the mistreatment and eventual murder of cows on my conscious then it’s a win.

Naomi needs to name the hotel.  How will people know to avoid the racist hotel if they don’t know which one it is?

isn’t this the guy that married the hot doritios commercial girl and cheated on her on, i think, their honeymoon? And then she divorced him like right away? Why do we listen to anything this jerk says?

this should be on posters to counter act the fake fetus posters that anti choice protesters use in front of planned parenthood. 

but Matt Damon grew potatoes!

cuz if you date, you might have the sex and you can’t have the sex before your wedding day! cuz if you do, then you aren’t pure. and you have to be pure! you have to give your pure gift to your husband.

but why is getting on a scale a “woman’s worst nightmare”?

did kurt cobain really say that? and kurt cobain is for my old generation - do the kids even know about him these days?

i have not but it is now on my list.  thank you!

yes but isn’t that because she is younger and hotter than the other 4 (Jane may be younger, but no hotter) and really has nothing to do with the color of her skin?  Zoe Kravitz is a gorgeous woman!  Anyone seeing her would stop and stare.

say what you will about Gerard Butler’s acting, but he is much much better looking than whomever is playing Rasputin. sorry, i know that is shallow, but i have a thing for the Scottish guy.  

or the good looks.

what i need to do is to stop reading about politics! and stay off of RawStory. both of those things would probably go a long way towards lifting my doom and gloom. And you are right - clearly we are better off than we were. But while you are going through it - it is hard to look outside or at the bigger picture. Feels

excellent.  thank you.  i will definitely check it out.

I don’t watch Dark but saw a trailer for it.  should i watch it??

you are a much more optimistic person than i am.  i commend you for it.  all i see is doom and gloom.

you are correct.

and humanity has been on a down hill slide ever since. it is amazing what we can accomplish as a species, when we want to.

may i suggest using closed-captioning?  i need to watch most newer shows with the CC on because everyone mumbles these days. 

this is what her sister said about him and their relationship: