
That is an excellent idea!  thank you!!

i streamed a few of these people but it was simply out of curiosity. I kept hearing about 6x9, Melly, the news. I realized i had no idea who they were or what their music sounded like (I am old)- so i would listen to their most popular song. I wonder how many others did this and if that is what contributed to

what about all of the women who have been assaulted on planes?

Kat Marlowe was kind enough to point out the credit under the photo - Joan was having some fun. I think i need to start paying more attention to the credits on the photos.

i was whooshed.

so it did just go totally over my head.  damn!  i thought i had finally gotten good at detecting photo-shop.  thanks for clearing it up for me :)

are k and k photoshopped into these pictures? the one on the right looks weird - like they aren’t really standing on that floor.  the proportions seem off on all of them?

Eh - maybe he shouldn’t have taken the job then? It’s not like he didn’t get a script. Although, i guess you take any job you can get in the acting industry - must be a hard way to make a living.

Ugh!  I feel duped!  I bought an Away bag (and it really is a good suitcase).  I would not have purchased had i known about all of this.  guess i won’t purchase another one anytime soon. :(

I am pretty sure it was trump that did the killing this time.

i have wondered if that is part of why Hunter seems so messed up?  Losing his mom and then later in life losing his brother - who he seemed very close to.  And yes i know he slept with his dead brothers wife but grief does strange things to people. And it is not that uncommon to have people that shared grief over the

ha! i thought they were both trucks and that the misogyny comes from him having to take the red one. my bad :)

um, whore i think it was.  or perhaps “yacht girl”?  

ha!  now i am in love with you too. 

I think it said “Let’s go Grace, in Boston”

oh my god i am in love with you!

no but its funny cuz he bought her the red one but she really wants the black one so he has to take the red one. poor babies :(

show your stupid boss this article!