thank you! she even told him point blank to get back in the truck after he said he was afraid and couldn’t do it. (allegedly she said this, this was not an actual text, she told her friend she said that to Roy).
thank you! she even told him point blank to get back in the truck after he said he was afraid and couldn’t do it. (allegedly she said this, this was not an actual text, she told her friend she said that to Roy).
well see, i loved the statue because it was awful and i thought was done on purpose. but now, now i feel bad for the artist Maxi. he wasn’t in on the joke and this downey guy is just being mean to him for no good reason. sounds like Maxi already has a tough life and now he is trolled by an asshole. sux.
I really hope that she pulled a Gone Girl, otherwise, she is most likely dead. Killed by her husband. And she has 5 kids.
sounds like my worst nightmare!
thank the gods!!
my brother-in-law keeps 2 hissing cockroaches. but, he is a biology teacher and keeps them at school until summer time. then they come home with him. my sister is less than thrilled.
gah - why are people such assholes?
i did read it in a scottish accent. makes the story even that much better.
so, in about a year, Pratt will be trying to find new homes for the pigs on twitter.
OMG! They totally do! yuck. it’s like they married themselves.
nice - 2 new shows i knew nothing about. thank you! adding to my list.
But, Patrick Stewart! It’s worth it, just for him. The trailer wasn’t that bad. Some humor and ass kicking - that is always fun.
I love quaint British shows! However, i think something is wrong with me. I can handle “humans in jeopardy” but absolutely cannot handle “animals in jeopardy”. I must just be a horrible human. Not sure i can add this to my list if i am going to be shown sick or dying animals :(
totally with you except for the clothes and make up. it is feminism to wear whatever the fuck you want - even if that means you like to wear clothes that accentuate your “tits and ass”. Women do these things for themselves, not just for the mens. (the kardashians probably do it for the men, but not all of us do.).
i am pretty sure that our Presidential motorcades have been involved in accidents as well. Really not fair to blame the royals on this one. I get people hate them and hate that they are still publicly funded but, imagine if one of the royals were kidnapped or sniper shot - it could literally cause a war(obviously…
aha - good point.
i thought the most recent theory was the pesticides that are used are poisonous?
what IS going on?
I have one of those cheesy inspirational posters in my office, but mine says “Everything Happens for No Reason”. i get many looks of disapproval. fuck em. :)
thanks. i will try your ratio next time i make some sauce! if it sucks, i will come and find you :)