
well this is stupid. maybe if they get to rape dolls there will be less raping of women? they can live out their violent fantasies and not a single person would get hurt. i thought France was supposed to be more sexually liberal?

just take the stick of butter out of the fridge an hour before you are going to use it to get it to room temp. success.

that Ban de Soleil song has been popping into my head for the last 30 years! and the song for Shasta - i want a pop, pop, pop, pop I want a Shasta, I want to taste pizzazz all the great things a Shasta has. i want a pop pop pop pop.

what happened to Ren’s litter mate that was delivered by mistake????

and yet people can still buy whatever kind of gun they want...

you can wipe the snot without blowing, you know.

i’ll add my two cents - i was always a dog person but i live alone and work a lot so i knew that a dog wouldn’t work for me. So, i got my first cat ever. I adopted a 7 year old black kitty that i renamed Thor. It took a while to learn how to communicate with him - they are completely different than dogs - you have to

those sandals make my feet hurt just looking at them :)

i’m sorry. i didn’t mean you were dumb. i just noticed that others were thinking that the picture was her shoes. just clarifying.

these are her shoes...

the picture in this article is NOT martha’s closet - fyi....

that’s so bad. but funny too. i hate you :)

i’m an idiot. thanks

didn’t this same thing happen last year?

wait, i am confused. the cop has a 12 year old co-worker??? what? and yes, i know that this is the least important part of the story, but i am confused as to why a 12 year old is working with cops.


can you tell me what the hell a “box body” is??? what does it even mean??

what? i wish it were 2008!

i haven’t watched it but based on this review, yes. the bullied are now the bullies and the straight white kids are the oppressed. i hope it just stays off the air.

after reading a review, hard pass.