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AC/DC made the Olympics. Ice skater Ivett Toth skated to them during her program. It rocked.

not that this is an indication of how their quarter will be, but their stock went up today after the announcement. It’s up .46 cents right now.

Ha! :)

its because lefties are the devils minions. no wonder your catholic teachers were worried :)

if only it were pink, i may consider buying it :)

i said none of those remarks about her. i was simply stating that the reason the reactions are what they are is because she took the medal off and she took it off the instant after it was put on her. it did not come across well. as for making judgments about what we see - that is just what humans do.

only rotten part of the Olympics was her stupid, complicit face at the closing ceremony.

but that is the only thing we can judge this situation by - what we saw on tv at the ceremony. we don’t know her like you do and unfortunately, she looked like a sore loser at that ceremony.

yes, agreed. grilled romaine is delicious. but, not roasted romaine :)

yes! and then a little bit of Gorgonzola cheese. divine.

and the outrageous assumption that if you are black you live in the “inner city” or are involved with gangs.

Air Heads dude.

any vegetable instantly tastes better if you roast them (except for like lettuces). oven to 425, olive oil, little bit of salt and pepper and roast for 20-25 minutes. Carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, sweet potatoes, Brussel sprouts, peppers, etc - all delicious when roasted.

wow. being a sore loser is not a good look.

the daily beast loved it

ok pot truther. thanks, but why you gotta ruin my weed joke? go smoke a j and chill and have some cookies :)

the munchies do :)

i had no idea that in addition to being adorable, they make that little squee noise! now they are extra special adorable.

how has she completely missed the entire sweatpants jogger craze?

Thank you :)