
actually, Trump had little or nothing to do with them reversing their decision

diet ginger ale is delicious - if you are looking for alternatives. tastes a zillion times better than the regular ginger ale. and has tons of bubbles. Canad Dry is better than Schweppes - at least i think so. 

it’s cuz she knows OJ is her daddy.

OMG! thank you for the snopes article!!! i absolutely believed the original Slate article and was horrified and vowed never to visit China. I am so glad that it isn’t true.

i read a horrifying article that in China, you have to pay if you hit someone with your car and they become disabled. You have to pay them for life. So, some people who would hit a person with their car would actually come back and run them over so they would die. They would rather the person be dead then have to

real patriots pay their taxes

i want to see the movie where Laird drops out of high school to make video games but is NOT successful and winds up doing fast food or another retail type job with no benefits and minimum wage. because in real life - that is usually what happens.

it’s more about equality. you dudes have seen our bits on TV for a long time now. it’s time we get to see your bits :)

i’m not sure why but i want to smack the dude in the orange cap.

read the short story. it was wonderful

and that is why Obama is a much better person than i am. but i disagree. think of how much more could have gotten done if he hadn’t been blocked at every turn. FFS - they blocked a supreme court appointment for 6 months!!! and now they control the White House, the Senate and Congress. they won. and we are doomed.

kisses :)

uh yeah - and do you remember how the minute he was elected the entire republican plan was to do everything in their power to make sure he failed? Obama went high, the republicans went low. and won.

i hear you. i am just so despondent over the election, i don’t feel like playing nice.

but why let them twist it into a sympathetic moment for her? why not do what trump would do - start calling her a weak little baby for not being able to handle the criticism. make fun of her for being upset.

going high hasn’t worked for us since what - 2000? i am sick of it. i am sick of us having to be the reasonable, rational ones. fuck all of that. they go low and they win. they go low and they obstruct a president for an entire 8 years. it is time to go low.

oh you poor fools. there is only one show worth watching - Murder She Wrote. every episode is on netflix. you can thank me later.

i find that mind boggling. sex and nudity bad, violence good. so fucked up.

curious - what was your parents stance on seeing movies with violence?