
is Victoria Hearst going to give all of her money away?

see ya dooshbag. and sorry but racism isn’t a mental illness, it’s you being a horrible person.

absolutely. i think for any violent crime, bail should be high. for petty crimes, maybe not so much.

all of these women are beautiful and young, but they are still too old at this point to become Top Models. that was always the problem with this show.

it has been a loooooonnnnng time since i have had to bail someone out. I had no idea that this cash bond was a thing. Yet another way to fuck over the poorest among us. Yay America!!

awesome. thanks for the info.

this is hilarious! who gave this the Drunk History treatment? The girl that tried to buy the candles?

absolutely. it’s just that it is a lot easier to get 10,000 then to get 100,000. i think i was trying to point out, in-eloquently, that you can get bail for 10% - you don’t always have to come up with the bail amount that was set by the court. (in my young days, i bailed too many boyfriends out of jail).

yes but, you only need 10% for a bail bonds person to bail you out.

i totally thought that was kylie in an outfit styled by kanye. tacky as fuck.

i have informed my loved ones that if i die in an event that would bring about a visit from Trump, to decline said visit and to tell every media outlet why (cause Trump is a pig).

it’s not fair, to deny me of the cross i bear!

debby downer

why are you ruining this for me?

i just think Chris Pine is the hottest man evah!

well, i am here, to remind you

Joey was the inspiration for “You Oughta Know” by Alanis Morrisette.

i would tend to agree with you. just be good to other humans because it is the right thing to do. it’s easier to be “good” if you think you are getting something out of it.

i’m sorry. if it’s any consolation, i am sure your parents would still have been dicks had they been religious.

i am sure that you didn’t say this, but just in case, atheists do have morals. we just don’t need a punishment/reward system to live by them. :)