
your children are not my responsibility. simple as that.

you’re gross.

“i disapprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it.” - Evelyn Beatrice Hall

maybe it’s not about the money but about the principle. you don’t quarantine a person that has shown no signs of a disease. you especially don’t do it just to act like the big strong politician pretending to save everyone for political gain.

do you have the one where you can change the sound of the alarms? I have mine set to chirping birds and its not loud or annoying.

do you have the one where you can change the sound of the alarms? I have mine set to chirping birds and its not loud

why does adele still have a flip phone?

this is horrifying. i can’t give them the benefit of the doubt like you are Mr. Pinkham. i think they deliberately took advantage of an autistic kid, and it’s disgusting. not that i normally go to Applebees, but i will never step foot in their restaurant again. my personal boycott.

to be fair, my niece and nephew would literally (and i am using literally in the literal way) not eat anything other than chicken nuggets (from chick fil a). but that was when they were under 6 years old. no nuggets, they wouldn’t eat. and if you are a busy parent and need to feed your kid, sometimes it is just easier

potato chips and french onion dip. that is what chips and dip means to me.

relax. i never said fuck all catholics. fuck these whiny little bitches that can’t take criticism and are pissed with liam neeson for advocating for choice.

protected from discrimination. not protected from never getting their little feelings hurt.

and i still say - so what if it is anti church or anti catholic? since when can we not be anti-catholic? or anti-church?

so? so what if it’s anti-catholic? since when are they a protected class? fuck em.

olivia benson’s mom. she was gorgeous!

i wish there was a system where, say, i could give you the $100 bucks you need to cover you and stop the cascade of debt. instead, we have to give to charities that do who knows what with the cash. i’d rather just hand it to the person who needs it. do we have anything like that in the states? like a form of

pot meet kettle

seriously, no Patrick Stewart?

i thought the exact opposite. funny how that works.

you’re just jelly :)

you have to - HAVE TO - set a timer. since i have been doing that, haven’t forgotten about anything in the oven. my mircowave has a timer or i can use my iphone.