
really tasted sugar sweet. it may have even been brown sugar. just thinking about it now made me throw up in my mouth a little :)

i'm talking about the original.

i have had tomato sauce with the sugar in it and it is the most disgusting thing i have ever eaten (thus far). unfortunately i was a guest and had to pretend it was good and actually eat some of it.

aren't some grits served sweet? could he have mistakenly thought they were the sweet kind? or am i just high?

while the song may seem out of date, callous and a tad racist, when it first came out i was 12 and that was really the first time i was exposed to Africa and the kinds of problems that African countries face. It opened my mind and raised my consciousness back then. So for that, i appreciate the song and the effort.

so no people of color have these kinds of problems?

i don't understand what makes this whitey mcwhite. the anti vaxxers? the midwives? the home birth? or being shamed by midwives who are crazy anti vaxxers?

thank you!

i am confused (as usual)...are they really doing an episode of naked and afraid? cuz, that would be awesome.

goddamit! the wonder woman's are sold out.

we also did not have social media back then so things never went viral.

I love Hellman's (sorry, i'm low class) and mayo made with yellow peas sounds horrendous, however, i will have to buy some Just Mayo to spite Unilever because this is some low down bullshit.

i guess. but when i watch this, i don't immediately think Nazi. unlike the minaj video.

way worse. way way worse....

it's Pittsburgh - with an H ( the h makes it seem more classy) and i thought you were going to say that Pittsburgh style is with french fries and coleslaw on top.

Italian/Indian just a few letters different.

but she did say "i'm sorry if it offended anyone"

the not real apology. Yes Nicki, it did offend people. not "if" it offended people. and she also uses the - "one of my best friends" line. Oy vey!

so, according to you, he gets a pass because he is old? nope. not the way it works.