
dude - you can totally chose whether to drug someone and rape them or not. science does NOT say that we are incapable of controlling our behavior. life is a lot of luck but we are absolutely capable of making our own decisions regarding behavior.

and this crazy wench most likely votes in every single election. how depressing.

is RDJ back on the drugs? ego-maniacal ass.

okay, i hate to be that person, but this is incorrect " 5) Some Ponies Are Immaculately Conceived"

does the UK have the KKK?? or the IRS?

nice. i had to google it. nice.

i love to remind these kinds of people that arsenic is 100% natural.

thanks for the info. i may have to do it. it looks too beautiful to not see it on a giant screen.

Does it feel like a 3 hour movie? This is my hesitation with going to see it at the theater - it seems so long.

first of all - fuck the guy that questions Thor's worthiness! He is THOR! Also, he turned down the throne. so there.

a little big.

a little big.

If you love elephants, and who doesn't, please consider making a donation to

you are absolutely correct and i did not mean to imply otherwise. totally my bad.

i certainly didn't mean to offend. I think this guy is gorgeous. I think if there were no more race, we were just all one, we would all be beautiful. That's all.

as if they need an excuse to act like dipshits :)

Taylor Swift should absolutely get paid for her music.

further proof that we would all be beautiful if we were all mixed race.

that should be the norm at every restaurant you go to. Doesn't make this Fox place special.

you know how us crackers are. all Asian people look alike. and they are all smart too.

Please please stop calling these people "right to lifers". they are anti-choice. everyone is pro life.