
what is wrong with me? the only thing i found scary in any of these stories is the fact that someone has a closet that is 700 square feet. that is the size of apartments!

i think you are fucking insane. have a nice life.

Ebola is harder to get than AIDS. Educate yourself and stop being afraid. Even if she had Ebola, you would have to come into direct contact with her bodily fluids to get it. It is not an airborne virus and it is not easy to get.

first of all - she probably has no experience dealing with the media. secondly, do you think you would call her belligerent if she was a he? everyone is freaking out because the media makes it sound like ebola is so easy to get and we are all going to die. oh noes! she fights back and tries to bring rationality

yeah, what an asshole! volunteering to go work with ebola patients in sierra leone and then being treated like a leper upon her return and have that christy fuck saying lots of stupid and nasty shit about her and her getting upset about it all. What an asshole.

I demand a Mansquito 2!

the greatest Batman ever was in this movie (the Lego movie)

I would think she is only mentioning the fact that she is an "experienced kinkster and professional dominatrix" so she can prove that she is speaking from a position of authority on this matter. Not that she is bragging.

i drink at the airport because i am afraid of flying. it's the only thing that gets me on the plane. liquid courage. I don't get blasted though. Just pleasantly buzzed.

maybe it is him, but the publicist said it wasn't because he is a humble hero. I'm going with that.

do you think the Liberians fly in every day from Liberia to cook the food? You are one of the people being cuckoo about catching ebola. you are an overly hyped ebola nut. Unless you are eating their vomit or diarrhea, you are fine.

Hear Hear C.A. Pinkham! I salute you. This article should be required reading for all stupid Americans.

true - but why should we have to lie?

i really thought Kini should have won it. his were the only clothes i could see myself wearing. although, maybe that is why he did not win.

Rush Limbaugh?

nice how she is saying that child abuse and being a meat eater are equivalent. i'd have to smack that biotch.

i dislike brad pitt, but this made me respect him a little bit. (not that brad pitt gives a fuck what i think).

how do you feel about soups in a bread bowl? this is the only time that i think soup can be a meal in and of itself. otherwise, soup can fuck off.

well then you should have a chat with the fundies and tell them they are giving your christianity a bad name.

did meredith ask him anything about this shit? fuck this guy. it is time that people are held accountable for their awful bullshit.