
crap. i wish i hadn't read this. i did not know that stuff about its founder either. i liked jimmy john's but now they are on my personal boycott list. boo.

what???? bill murray beat his wife? why is this first i have ever heard of it? details?

besides from being absolutely disgusting, is it harmful to humans? the fly vomit and excrement?

yeah but is being a racist actually the same thing as making a mistake?

why doesn't "mr. premium passenger" charter his own damn plane? pretty sure he has the bucks. doosh

oh come on. pittsburgh has its charms. unless you meant Dormont. then, ok, i agree with you.

why the unnecessary dig at Pittsburgh? everything else you write is spot on, calling the entire city a "dive bar" was silly.

i can't believe you liked it so much. i thought it was terrible! so cliche'd and predictable and not one ounce of humor. so disappointed. don't think i will be watching it again.

but there are only 2 witnesses - per the prophecy.

hopefully you are watching Southpark then. the Jewishness of Kyle is often a plot point. (and often hilarious).

bummer. i love a good end of the world story, this doesn't seem to be one. nor do i want to be proselytized to. i'll wait for cable.

i was promised Jon Hamm and instead you embed a video of Alec Baldwin. You have ruined my day.

seriously though- how do these people function in life? how do they have jobs? the stupidity is truly shocking.

forgive my ignorance, but what is the difference between filtered and non-filtered?

I've heard the term "in the weeds" on food shows, but i was restaurant working we called it "getting slammed". no idea where that term would have originated sounds a bit dirty.

me too! and people look at me like i am crazy.

are there pockets? side pockets, not back pockets?

elephants are amazing animals. it breaks my heart that they are being killed at an alarming rate. if you care about elephants, please check out a charitable organization set up by wildlife photographer Nick Brandt. please help the elephants, if you can.

my mistake - i thought it was still about the custody.

because the judge is presiding over the childs custody case. the mental fitness of the parents is relevant.