
the problem is that magical thinking is not harmless. not at all. just one example - victims have been preyed upon by psychics and tricked into giving them their life savings - that is not harmless.

Now playing

When Willow flays Warren on Buffy. Imagine how painful that would be??? UGH

and this is what make science fantastic and unique:

he, not she.

silly grrl - the internet is all about judging people you don't know :)

that entire video is uncomfortable, but him especially.

holy crap, this is offensive.

does anyone know when the original french version - les revenant - will be coming back to the sundance channel??? so good.

she was in that one really fun, cute movie What a Girl Wants with the very dashing Colin Firth

no, you are confusing dealbreakers with assumptions. you assumed the guy was a redneck. he is not. had he truly been a redneck racist, that probably would have been a dealbreaker, yes?

I know, I used to live in Kansas City. Great town. She said "large midwestern town" so KC popped into my head. And there is a prestigious private high school there.

Max and Erma's in Kansas City

hipster douche? :)

stop trying to make Fetch happen!

hey now, velveeta has it's place - it is great for nacho cheese dip. but it should not be allowed anywhere near fudge. crime against humanity.

awesome. my mother was Scottish. Were you for or against independence?

my 72 year old father watches it. my respect for him diminished when i found that out.

wasn't her name Carmody? yup - Carmody.

what is this "ship" ? short hand for worship?? help, i'm old. get off my lawn.

not at all - the Revolutionary war was your war too. you just lost :)