
no, the planes in the air could not land because air traffic control could not speak to them. you can't land without communications. the airport with the ferrari was like a county airport, not LAX.

to be fair, they couldn't land the plane because the landing strip was too short.

"Given the number of inhabited planets out there,"

is English a second language for Yofray Ray? if yes, that statement makes sense. if not, he needs a copy writer.

how about a Picard cameo for Star Trek instead of a Kirk? Picard is clearly the superior captain!

i'm with the angry dude about the $2.50 water. they should serve tap water at a bar if requested.

you know, where does this come from? being a feminist doesn't mean you're not supposed to or can't be feminine and pretty. it simply means that women want equal opportunities - we want the chance to be cops, firefighters, soldiers, stock brokers, etc.

i'm not sure why, but that made me tear up a bit.

you should start a go fundme campaign.

Dandi Daley and Bailey Daley. really?

no. just no. seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people? who raised you? why do you think this is acceptable behavior in public?

she is 68 years old and has no children of her own. she also did not care for her mother (who was an alcoholic) or her step-father (who molested her sister and got her pregnant and probably molested my boss as well). you'd think by now she'd be out of denial - but perhaps not.

no kid deserves it. nor do i think that a 4 year old has that mentality.

my boss just this morning says to me -"i don't know what the big deal is. i was hit with a switch and i didn't die. i'm fine. no big deal."

agreed. it's just a pot belly.

dude looks like he smells of too much Drakkar Noir. ewwww

makes me queasy. ewwwwwwww

there is one Safeway in Pittsburgh. I think it's near Carrick. No idea if they deliver.

do yourself a favor and unplug for one whole day. perhaps your anxiety will subside a bit.

gees. how old are you? you know there used to be a world without cell phones. it was a better time. :)