
You can say "hey, I'm fat and that's probably not going to change, so if that's not your thing then I'm probably not the right person for you", right on your profile.

This was not a cool story.

If someone's outnumbered by three angry people who are being physically keeping them somewhere, that absolutely is a threatening situation.

The constant scrutiny of "birth rates" makes me squirm. Because you know that your female body and life choices are on the line if the state decides that they want more or less babies for any given reason.

Uh-huh, no-one's ever been seriously injured in a physical altercation that took place in a restaurant because you say one word and the police magically appear between you and an assailant. That's obvious to anyone with half a brain alright, just not so much those of us who have whole brains.

Yes, who wouldn't want to significantly escalate a situation in which three other people have them physically trapped? Get a clue.

"I don't think those were tears of fear she was crying."

N0. She couldn't have easily walked out. They were sitting in a booth with her on the inside and when she tried to get up to go to the bathroom they wouldn't let her. Physically imprisoning someone like that is never okay.

Before we start praising France as a reproductive paradise, consider that French women have to wait 7 days for an abortion because the state and the family are "working so closely together" that the second an egg is fertilized the state interest in the family starts to override personal autonomy. The same thing that

Wow, you guys are disgusting. This is a person dating multiple people. I'm sorry that you thought you were exclusive, despite never talking about it, but get over yourself. You bought her things in the hopes of her wanting only you and she didn't. Ugh.

You're a scary dick.

When we got to the parking lot, Laura's car had the word "BITCH" written in bright orange letters on the windshield - Matt's handiwork, I assumed.

You know, if the manager is starting to hover, that usually means the situation looked like she was in danger to other people in the room.

...You ganged up on her, idly watched while she silently cried in a restaurant, trapped her in the booth and refused to let her leave or use the restroom, and painted the word "bitch" on her car? You all sound like sociopaths. Did you not notice how all the "revenge" parts of the cheating stories here don't involve

She tried to excuse herself to go to the bathroom, to which Dave replied "We'll have the waitress bring a mop."

Sorry, but this is gross. I've read all these other stories and yours is the only one where the cheater seems to have had reason to fear she might be in actual danger. All you guys ganging up on her and not letting her leave the table was gross. Dump her, yell at her, confront her, whatever, but when someone wants to

I believe they might call it a "half and half" in Ireland...

Dudes! Do you not know your Irish history? There is no way an Irish person would have anything to do with anything called a Black and Tan.

Oh Wow, this is probably the worst researched article Ive ever seen. Never, ever, EVER, say that anything called 'Black and Tan' is an irish drink. As another poster said, its like calling a polish drink an SS Stormtrooper.

Uhm, do you know who the black and tans were?!?!? Might want to research more before posting.