
I completely agree with this. It makes me cringe when liberals (And I often proudly include myself in that category!) defend him by saying things like "In France that's totally normal and nobody would bat an eyelid". Regardless of your feelings about whether a politician's personal life should be up for media

Aw, thank you! I'm still not great at asking for help but I've been fortunate to have wonderful friends. :)

As someone whose husband died of cancer, I second this. People who are carers or are grieving or going through an emotional upheaval in their lives aren't well equipped to ask for what they need. So if you're close to someone in that kind of situation, do whatever you can think of to help even if you're not sure it's

I love this suggestion and I wish I had seen it when my mom was caring for my grandmother - she never really had a break and I think this would have given her some much-needed boundaries (my grandmother was extremely demanding and even the nurses wouldn't deal with her by the end). My mom would still have visited my

Ah, I didn't realise they're UK-only. I hope they do go international at some point, they're really great (though yeah, a bit pricey - I got mine on super sale a few years ago). All the components are replaceable as well, so it's more than made up it's initial price - I've replaced the bulb and the glass globe after

Ah, I didn't realise they're UK-only. I hope they do go international at some point, they're really great (though

I live in Scotland (parallel with Moscow, for perspective on how far north that is). I use it constantly in the winter when the sun doesn't fully rise until 10-10.30, but in the summer it's useless.

I live in Scotland (parallel with Moscow, for perspective on how far north that is). I use it constantly in the

I don't have this model but I do have a Lumie light alarm that does this - the light starts 30, 60 or 90 minutes before I get up depending on my preference. I usually wake up about 5-10 minutes before the alarm goes off. I absolutely love it, and it's essential in Scotland where I live. (Also, the controls are hard to

I don't have this model but I do have a Lumie light alarm that does this - the light starts 30, 60 or 90 minutes

Well then your best bet is to REALLY listen to what people are telling you here. You're free to approach women, but if they don't want to engage with you (regardless of the topic or intentions) then just back off. That's basically the entire point of this article - the last line even states:

Okay, well I really really fundamentally disagree with that. You're a guy, obviously, so you haven't put up with years of harassment and being put in genuinely threatening/dangerous situations by men, some of whom seemed normal enough to start off with. I wear earphones with no music to avoid being harassed on public

You can ask whatever you like - but no matter what your intentions are, you are not entitled to someone else's time or a polite reply. Women get all kinds of guys pretending to be interested in what we're wearing/doing/reading when what they really want is sex, so don't be surprised if we treat you distrustfully.

Yeah, I was thinking recurring alams would be the way to go but I hadn't found any that a) reset themselves and b) support alternating alarms of different time intervals.

I like this (and the 52/17 split mentioned in the other linked article) because I think these are more realistic time splits for the kind of work I do, which usually requires pretty intense mental focus. The usual pomodoro of 25 minutes is never enough time, but if I work straight without breaks I burn out easily.

I really like Disconnect, but I'm not 100% clear on the difference between the basic filter ("Stop the biggest mobile data collectors from invisbly tracking your web-browing and in-app activity") and the advertising filter ("Reduce risk of identity theft by blocking malicious tracking and malware disguised as

I totally agree with this. The method would be really useful for PhD students, especially those who are largely self-directed with little/no coursework (like those in the UK), but it would also work really well for anyone dealing with long-term projects: each time you sit down, you make a conscious decision to not

I've never tried it with food wrap, but I think it would be similar to ice cube bags (common in Europe but I don't know whether they're used much in the USA/Canada?):

That's fair enough! You're right, I hadn't really been thinking about it in the Chromebook frame of mind. I suspect that it would take me a lot of adjustment to get used to that way of working, but maybe if I tried it I would like it.

That's fair enough! You're right, I hadn't really been thinking about it in the Chromebook frame of mind. I suspect

But with hard drive space being so cheap these days, it seems particularly miserly to offer a 16GB HDD even for a second computer.

But with hard drive space being so cheap these days, it seems particularly miserly to offer a 16GB HDD even for a

Yeah, that's a crazy low amount of storage.

Yeah, that's a crazy low amount of storage.

Not short, but shortER. Lots of women get negative responses when they cut their hair, and the HuffPo piece has the most recent pic of her with hair well below shoulder-length. Going shorter for celebs in particular often comes with a lot of blowback.

I know! That's totally the way to unveil a short haircut, which is often seen as 'tomboyish' or 'unfeminine' (unfairly so!). I can almost see her thinking "welp, I know somebody is going to bitch about this haircut so I'm just gonna make sure my dress KILLS IT."