I kind of have this too. I either have to drink extra coffee or take some Milk of Magnesia. It's... not so fun.
I kind of have this too. I either have to drink extra coffee or take some Milk of Magnesia. It's... not so fun.
Yeah, that was this friend's problem too. She's really curvy, on an almost Christina Hendricks level, and I don't think she'd ever really realised how small her waist was until she was trying on bras and dresses for her wedding. Strapless dresses just made her look frumpy and top-heavy and ridiculous, whereas the…
Actually, it's pretty hard to find non-strapless dresses in the UK too (at least for commoners). My friend even tried a semi-bespoke designer and the best they could offer was cap sleeves. She ended up getting a gorgeous dress with thick straps that she could wear a regular bra with, but it was a struggle to find even…
Oh jeezus. It is completely possible to create things (meaning capital-A Art) and also be a MLP-inspired sexual deviant. I happen to know at least one person who fits into that particular Venn diagram, and she's spectacularly interesting!
Wow, I feel sorry for your wife. Not only does she have to get her own stuff done, but apparently you expect her to take on the responsibility of reminding you to get your stuff done too.
I swear I have never laughed so hard at a comment ever! Plus that cucumber looks so happy!
Yeah, if I saw you wearing that in public I would totally try to figure out how to go up and say "I love your sweater! Can we be besties?!?" without creeping you out too much.
Yes! It's probably much more environmentally friendly. Just remove the cover and the spine and everything else recycles just like normal paper.
That's not exactly right. Paperbacks can't be recycled the same way that white paper is - their bindings use the same glue as hardbacks (and often more of it, because hardbacks have more structural integrity than the soft cover). They have to be pulped, which uses special solvents to dissolve the glue.
Books can't normally be recycled the way paper normally is, paperback or not. It's not specific to this book. The glue that they use for binding is applied really thickly and is very gummy (take a look at the spine of any paperback and you'll see the layer of glue) so it messes up the recycling machines.
I think it's the distinction between recycling (like white paper) and pulping. Pulping costs money and is a labor-intensive process because of the glue in the bindings. Recycling is much cheaper.
No doubt, 9 times out of 10 my advice would be to stay out of it. But this guy is toxic - who pulls that crap on their wedding day? That's a flipping huge breach of trust there. To me, that would be unforgivable.
Seriously? He's sending pics ON HIS WEDDING DAY and sending texts ON HIS HONEYMOON. It's not about getting revenge, it's about giving a newly-wed bride the chance to dump his ass because that behaviour is frankly disgusting.
This would be me too! There's no way I would shower for a four hour work day either. I'd just roll out of bed, roll into the job, be stinky at everybody for a couple of hours and then roll home and back into bed.
If remarking on the relative attractiveness of vulvas equals "thoughtful comments" these days then we're all fucked.
Hahahaha that pretty much sums it all up.
Come on, Erin - tell us how you really feel.