Delete this account! Delete it!

Does she even know the history of America?

Fucking. Jackasses.

You can claim WoW expansions as a business expense? Are you a professional virgin?

Don’t let your roomba ever get outside, it won’t last long because nature abhors a vacuum... 

When we got a pair of Guinea pigs, we called the big one Bitey 

You’ll cream your jeans when you see

The Fett’s are not Mandalorians.

Mr. Ford! His ass is everywhere.

No, Paul Hogan was in Hud. Paul Reiser is Rocky’s brother-in-law, the guy with the robot.

No, you’re thinking of Paul Hogan. Paul Reiser directed Robocop.

“I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I quickly took an arrow in the knee.”

Here’s to hoping.’ll have enough room for Modern Warfare...and nothing else?

Tell that to Ziggy Stardust.

Not sure what they are now, but in the 90s they were those solid glass ones with 4 indentations for butts. They were nice. At least $10 at the store if I was to buy one.

I was weird in middle school. I shoplifted and vandalized shit. I did not, at any point, drive girls to the point of considering suicide, or stalk them. What were you getting up to in middle school? And, this guy wasn’t in middle school, so there’s also that.

Being “weird” in school is one thing. One instance of abuse or borderline abuse as a child is one thing, even.

There’s also the fact that there are practicing witches in the world who are not evil.