Delete this account! Delete it!

Society can only benefit from a world where boys and men are taught to express emotions openly, that “feminine” and “feeble” are not synonymous, that speaking in a fake Batman voice and puffing your chest out a la Nick Jonas in “Jealous” is small dick energy

Isn’t the time zero now, since everyone is apparently busy recording their podcast?

You’re probably right. On the other hand you’re defending Coyote Ugly so legally you’re automatically in the wrong.

But can the 5 richest kings of Europe even afford it?

I get it.

But a choice between “stay in a situation where I know I’m unhappy and my partner is exploiting/cheating on/emotionally abusing me or take a shot on finding something healthy” doesn’t leave an advice columnist a lot of wiggle room.

And I suspect, deep down, many of these people know it, too, which is why so

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column that’s selfishly dumping people like trucks!

A pallet of pallid palettes to suit your palate

How he looks

I’m so confused about what is the audience he is playing for here? And I don’t mean that in a way to gather lazy jokes about Trump’s mental faculties and all that, but like seriously, how does he think this helps him? What is the thought process? I mean I saw already Nate Silver among many others point out that not

President Trump won’t have to recover from COVID. COVID will have to recover from President Trump,” wrote Matt Gaetz.

We have a Kirby

Good to know I wasn’t the only one. This is probably the single time I saw cosplay/replica building and got angry at the redundancy of it. And I love Animal Crossing but why? WHY?! Home Depot already has stuff that looks almost identical. 

i am browning butter in every possible application, your thoughts on it here?

also i have been eating this at every christmas since i have been capable of consuming food and had no idea it had a proper name or origin. I thought it was just something my uncle would make. 

To mine stone in the game, you hit it with a shovel. Maybe that's what he's doing.

Rage emoji Minecraft Kirby

banishing you to the grays for life

The David LynchDune” is indeed a terrible movie. I mean, not as bad as the 1987 Ellen Barken and Martin Sheen vehicle Siesta, but what is?