Delete this account! Delete it!

...understandably so. If you ever need someone to accost them with a smaller than regulation but still solid oak baseball bat, i’m your gal.


When the spice hits your eye

While I mostly agree with you, ‘What kind of beer’ is a legit question.

Mac Tonight or one of the Nightbreed.

I still contend that if Firefly has been a success,  we would have all started hating it by season 3

Yeah, rewatching GOT seems pretty pointless now, knowing how it ends. I mean, there are tons of subplots, both those that span multiple seasons and those that end within few episodes, that lead nowhere and are ultimately pointless. Characters are introduced, characters die, and almost none of it has any effect on the

That’s fair, maybe if it doesn’t win I’ll intentionally disappoint all of you by PEACEFULLY PROTESTING AND VOICING DISAPPOINTMENT WITH THE RESULTS!!!

We are like Destiny. All the lore is hidden for you to discover.

there is so much shop contest lore condensed into these images now

This is gonna sound like sacrilege (especially as a huge Sealab and Archer fan), but Frisky Dingo never did much for me. A few first season episodes, a couple second season eps, and that’s it. It seems like Reed & Co. just didn’t have a plan at all and made it all up as they went along. 

Frisky Dingo reference, +1 BOOSH!

If this doesn’t win I’m going to set things on fire!

Is she still a thing? No way, uh-uh.

It’s really, really good. Not a Burr fanboi (although I enjoy some of his assolery stand-up in small quantities), but I kept passing it by figuring it was some of Netflix’s usual dredge animation until I saw his name attached.

Alright Cage

Seagull.  Trust me.