
I suspect you're being ironic-like, which I appreciate, but I'm going to answer unironically. She'll be reprising her role as Mrs Lovett in season 2. Probably.

But they gave it Alun Armstrong, thus making it impervious to criticism. LOVE him/his character.

Another commenter answered this question for me here and I'm linking it so you can see for yourself our conversation about the types of scary it has.

#SaveMina is getting old, but that's my only real grievance.

If you're wondering "Is it too horror for me?" and would like to gauge whether it's too jumpy or gory or scary for you, commenter FaustusFightsBack and I had a conversation about that in which she alleviated my fears that it is not, in fact, too scary to enjoy right properly. Mild spoilers that won't make sense out

Does it matter if he wrote the apology or someone else did? He's willing to sign his name and reputation to it. I can't stand the guy as an actor, but this is an Oscar-worthy apology.

Your friend needs to submit that to the Game of Thrones Memes page on Facebook.

Yeah, but you said "no goddamn reason why they showed that scene instead of an NC 17 extended sex scene with Oberyn and Ellaria and other choice lovelies," which is not the same thing as saying "no goddamn reason period."

Im not sure! I've occasionally pondered it but I don't really keep track of new actresses, and I think it would have to be an unknown. Ditto Joscelin.

Nooo! I need her to be Melisande Shahrizai when the Kushiel books go to HBO (in my dreams).

Ive always been a bit of a bread snob but I draw the line at "artisanal." Good bread and toppings should not need that label. If if does, you're being fleeced.

It was successfully defended by the brave warriors of the early Seatbacks movement.

It's a binary world, remember?

If Jezebel doesn't do an open thread for this, I guarantee Groupthink/another subblog will. And we'll contrive some rules to make it a good drinking game as well.

Fascinating ethnography, Erin.

I hope it's not a flashback. That would retcon so much of Cersei's character. It would work if it was a dream sequence or a present event.

House Martell is the best. I wonder why they haven't listed Sarella. :(

Do you explain that the Targaryens practiced polygamy, and that yes, he did secretly marry L, but before that he was married to E? Or do you let sleeping dogs lie?

That's not true! Sometimes she raises her eyebrows.

Oh, Newt. Never change. You're almost your own walking heritage site.