
Thank you for your comprehensive feedback! It is appreciated. I think I will pass on the show.

Is it worth enduring just for the sake of seeing Aaron Tveit?

I don't really care about what people are wearing but I am so excited about this movie. The trailer looks super.

Ten thousand years of Bene Gesserit breeding - a success story.

Yes. We will build a utopia of Gawkerverse refugees and call it New Sodom.

Wien must be a madhouse right now!

*predictably. Sigh.

Yep. The same people decrying "evil communism" are the ones who didn't notice how presictably the Belarusians, the Azerbaijanis, or the Romanians voted (for example). No clue about what's actually going on in Eurasia.

His Noodliness blesses all consensual unions.

That sounds like an amazing Chronicle! Signed, an inveterate Nos.

So glad I'm not the only one rankled by that.

- "She's a Bene Gesserit, isn't she?"

That makes a lot of sense, actually. Unfortunately.

...woah. I did not know about the sterilisation thing. That's barbaric. I'm disappointed in you, Finland. You can be better than that.

Now playing

Finland is my favorite, most idealized place on Earth (that I've never been to). I'm a rabid Fennophile. I did not know it was possible to fall even more in love with Finland.

This post is about five semicolons short of being readable. It's just ugh.


One should rightfully be suspicious when a region is the adjective preceding a completely unrelated region's signature dish.