
I need another Sarah Waters novel so badly. She has no peers. Do you have any similar authors you recommend for a Sarah Waters-ish fix?

I’m afraid of the movie, and all horror movies, in a different way than the book, which fear I could manage by it being words on paper. And by focusing on the beauty of the writing, and reading at my pace. I just don’t think I can do this movie, despite being a huge Sarah Waters fan.

“All those beautiful pearls, just destroyed. I should buy Melanie some pearls.”


Thanks for helping me figure out why I liked this!


I’m fascinated by your description of the Tudor dynasty beginnings. Can you give me a little more information so I can fall down a Wikipedia rabbit hole?

I’m interested in more information about this. Lawd knows, it might be the most uplifting thing we could read all week.

Our ally, y'all.

Give women the power to accommodate their own choices already. It is 2015, FFS. We can do these things (work and breastfeed). Some women have to. Give all of them the power to accommodate their choices.

This article solved a mystery that’s been quietly bugging me for about 15 years! Who wrote that gorgeous little gothic mystery romance about the girl who arrived on the moors and pretended to be the disappeared heiress for money. “Oh your poor hands.” And there were horses and there was a gold cigarette lighter with

I loved it! Simply wonderful. Can’t wait for the next one.

That’s how I found this article just now! Amazing episode. I’ve been saving the episodes up to binge watch today.


I am goebbeling up the puns on this thread with glee!

Me too. In fact I'll be doing just that very thing this weekend. Cheers.

This is excellent news.

So is Leontyne Price.

It is a crime that Tatiana Maslany is overlooked. I mean, she should be nominated for both best lead and supporting actress!

I'm just here for the Conchita pics.