
Nobody on Jalopnik cares to read this. If they do they are not real car people. They may claim they are but they are not.

What are you talking about? Craigslist is full of cars with V4s. Do some research dude.

Or that Tech Inspection requires them.

When can I get FXXX news? I want to know what Vin Diesel, Ice Cube, Samuel L. “Motherfucka” Jackson, and porn stars are up to in their day to day lives. (I assume video games, family comedies, modeling for Kangol/being a black Teddy Roosevelt impersonator, and going to Whole Foods).

I wouldn’t be against imposing term limits on Congress either.

Literally the only good idea Trump has is to invest in infrastructure and Mitch McConnell has already said they weren’t interested.

A girl I know ran out of my building and a street sweeper ran over her foot and severed her pinky toe. Then after the ambulance left, I found the toe! So I put it in a Cracker Jack box, filled it with ice, and took off for the hospital.

Are we sure it’s not another Fiero with a body kit?

Haha the ad says the Focus RS is fwd

But it’s a pillow if your skull hits it where a bare or leather wrapped bar would be a hammer.

yeah well that’s designed to combine with the helmet to increase energy absorption - its not there for comfort - but the Ferrari leather rollbar is just to help when people bang their un-helmeted heads on it. seems fair enough to me

A MKVII GTI can be had at or near 20k, the MQB platform has brought a lot to these cars. Will give Brian plenty more utility and practicality while still maintaining his Jalop-cred. I am absolutely in love with my 2016 Golf R and I’m sure the GTI delivers just as great an experience.

As someone who grew up in PA, those dirt roads look smoother than anything we’ve got.

Swedish humor?

As if replacing throttle actuators are anywhere near as labor intensive and catastrophic as spun bearings. If the car cost close to $70 grand when new the motor damn well be able to last more than 80,000 miles. That being said, the issue is very hit and miss


It looks like a stupid, low-brow, cash-in on the nostalgia of millions.

All the jobs in the world must be had in the US! But no immigration!

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

WTF did he really expect them to do?