
I’ve said this before, but BBC should give the Stig to TGT. The point of the Stig was to have a professional race car driver push the cars to the limits and put down consistent lap times as James, Jeremy and Hammond are not professional drivers. Top Gear now has two good drivers as hosts, with one reduced to a few

MKI GTI prices are through the roof. I’ve always thought the GLI was undervalued. They were German built, rare and better weight distribution with a stiffer rear end.

I think most German Auto Insurance does not cover damage on “restricted toll-roads” aka the ‘Ring. I hope he had track day insurance.

The big deal in the 00s was to get a both RHD and LHD stubby mirrors from European market MKIV VWs and have a stubby mirror set.

I see trucks back up like this from city streets all the time. Usually people stay back far enough, sometimes a car gets too close and the truck driver starts yelling and then the other car moves.

Yes, technically it is the trucker’s fault, but also the driverless car did not react like how a normal driver would. Based on the pictures it looks like the truck was backing up and hit the driverless car when he was cutting the wheels and his cab swung around. It looks like the driverless car saw the truck blocking

I think BBC should just give up The Stig. The Stig served a purpose with Clarkson, May and Hammond as none of them are professional drivers and The Stig can push the performance of cars and give consistent times.

Well.... I wouldn’t say all of those are “good” cars. Fun cars, sure. But not all good.

I never said no one but Americans buy American cars, but you have also proved the article correct as not many non Americans buy American. The only success with American cars outside of NA are trucks and the Mustang as well as Buicks in China.

Yes, that is what I meant by “ROW” (Rest of the World). This is a recent development. The Fusion is a Mondeo, but used to be a Mazda 6. The Focus is now the great car everyone got for years, but used to be shame and despair in sheetmetal form. (1st gen ZX-3 and SVT were cool though)

I was looking at getting a pickup truck. Where I live now, if you own a pickup truck and aren’t a contractor, the chances are high that you are a racist. Because of that local stereotype, I looked at the Ridgeline, a truck no racist would ever drive.

I thought the Sonic was named after fast food.

First car I drove was a MKIII Golf. Second car I drove was a MKIV Jetta. Third car I drove was a New Beetle. Fourth Car I drove was another MKIV Jetta. I think it took me to the 5th car not to drive a VW, which was a Ford Focus.

That is not the same 4.2 liter as the R8. The R8 V8 is based on the normal Audi 4.2, but the R8 is a different monster. I think the only car that shared the R8 V8 was the RS4/5

HAHAHA, I am in a tizzy? How many times have you responded to this thread AND started with an attitude in your first post?

You are a real condescending douche.

The Fords and General Motors products sold outside of the USA are not american cars. Ford is very much a European brand outside of the USA, producing its own line up for the rest of the world for decades. GM sells rebranded Daewoos and Vauxhalls/Opels/Holdens outside of the USA which aren’t American either.

One of the odd few success stories. Granted, the new Mustang is a huge advancement in technology of old Mustangs, a Mustang of 10 years ago would never have sold well overseas.

Ignorance? Show me a foreign market outside of North America where American cars sell well. Ford sells in Europe but those aren’t American Fords. There are niche markets where full size American pickups are desired, or muscle cars, but where in the world does a Chevy Malibu sell other than the USA? Why would someone

Why would someone in Japan want an American car when they are making better cars? Dealership models aside, but American cars really have no place outside of the USA. Half of American cars sold in the USA are sold on blind patriotism, the rest are new Fords as the ROW Fords that we now get are actually good cars..